I read to much into things. Always and constantly. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm a bit like a puppy who gets a little bit of attention and goes nuts about it. That's me. It's a pretty major personality flaw and I wish it was something I could exterminate. It always sets me up for major disappointment, and I'm tired of it. Something to work on I guess. At least I'm recognizing it now.
Logged onto my online dating profile bullshit and noticed I got a message. A message that basically said I was weird in not so many words. Thanks, anonymous person, for pointing out what I already know. But frankly I like being weird. It makes me interesting and as such I have no plans to stop being weird anytime soon. There are things I'd like to stop though. Being fat and anxious are the top two.
Thanksgiving is coming up, and it seems this year I actually have somewhere to go celebrate. I'll be joining atomicant, MisterSatan, and unravled for a good old wine drinking, gravy chugging holiday. Frankly I really need it. I'm in such a weird place in life right now, stuck between an old me and a new me.
Pie will fix it. It always does.
Logged onto my online dating profile bullshit and noticed I got a message. A message that basically said I was weird in not so many words. Thanks, anonymous person, for pointing out what I already know. But frankly I like being weird. It makes me interesting and as such I have no plans to stop being weird anytime soon. There are things I'd like to stop though. Being fat and anxious are the top two.
Thanksgiving is coming up, and it seems this year I actually have somewhere to go celebrate. I'll be joining atomicant, MisterSatan, and unravled for a good old wine drinking, gravy chugging holiday. Frankly I really need it. I'm in such a weird place in life right now, stuck between an old me and a new me.
Pie will fix it. It always does.
good luck to you, man.