I'm up and starting the beer already. As stated before I'm making a Saison, which is a Belgian style made for hard workers to guzzle on hot summer days. A very basic grist composed of pale, pilsener, caravienne, and biscuit malts. This was going to be it but last night, possibly while intoxicated, I found a bag of unopened forbidden rice in the cupboard. Rice, when added to a beer, provides a 100% fermentable sugar that helps to thin the body and increase the alcohol with only delicate and minor flavor contribution. Very compatible with the style which is intended to be thinner and dry. It's very popular in american lagers for just this reason. But forbidden rice is not like plain white long grain. This stuff is black in appearance and more like wild rice in appearance. But it's got a strange little quirk. It's not black, it's purple. This means that the beer made with it should be....purple. Well violet at least. Like your grandmas night gown. You know the one. She's had it since 1981 and it's starting to, uh, wear thin.
And now that you've got that vision in your mind I leave you with aural pleasures.
And now that you've got that vision in your mind I leave you with aural pleasures.
But still. I like the idea. Mmm. Forbidden rice.
Just mountains of tomatoes.