Weird Snake fact #9843.1
I've never been to a true Italian restaurant. Not once. Sure I've hit the standard americanized fake chain restaurants, but never a mom and pop type. You know the kind. A little dark, everyone is overly hospitable, and there may or may not be a really fat guy in a suit being fed meatballs by a young women with cleavage like the grand canyon. Never been there. I want to go somewhere like that and eat stuff I can't pronounce. I want to be that fat guy.
Why haven't I? I can't say. Just one of those things. I better put this on my to-do list.
I've never been to a true Italian restaurant. Not once. Sure I've hit the standard americanized fake chain restaurants, but never a mom and pop type. You know the kind. A little dark, everyone is overly hospitable, and there may or may not be a really fat guy in a suit being fed meatballs by a young women with cleavage like the grand canyon. Never been there. I want to go somewhere like that and eat stuff I can't pronounce. I want to be that fat guy.
Why haven't I? I can't say. Just one of those things. I better put this on my to-do list.