I'm bored, bored,bored. There is this girl, and I would like to jump her bones but I haven't quite figured out how to break it to her. This Jive Turkey has got to figure out what to do with himself this evening before it's too late.
Kicked in the bits, still repercussing the blow. Can't sleep too good, I'm all tweaked out and freaked out. Those MutherFuckers, they pulled the ol' step on your foot, and push you backwards routine on me. My calf muscle is all stiff and it hurts to walk. It didn't hurt that bad yesterday. Gripe, bitch, whine. I'll get over this.
you da chef.
i shall kiss it and make it better. hehe.
Holy Fuck I Just got rolled! That has never happened before. I'm still shaking. I was just walking home from the bar and these dudes come from out of no where and they tell me "you're getting kidnapped" They fuckin' punched me and grabbed all my shit; I.D. and my walkman. Than they crushed me in the balls and took off. I hate those fuckin'...
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I dont think i've ever heard that term used before. "rolled"

that fuckin sucks man. do you live in a bad area of town or something?
Today for fun I am going to assemble a package to send to my friend in Scotland. I don't know what to send her but I'm sure anything would be nice. It is the thought that counts, am I wrong? anyone got some suggestions?
I can't stop listening to the Alkaline Trio. It's such good music. With lyrics like "If assholes could fly, this place would be busier than O'Hare" or "Crack my head open on your kitchen floor, prove to you that I have brains" you can't go wrong. They're supposed to have a new album out in May, for anyone who cares.
hrmm, everyone seems to like them a lot.

they do a great cover of "the metro" though. listening to it now as a matter of fact.........
Hey, it's new userpic Thursday.
you should put snakepiss on yer forehead! um, in marker I mean...
No way...you should put snakepiss on your pecs in magic marker and have it be a little runny like you were sweating...and be holding a weight in your hand, grimiceing...hahaha.....
I've decided on a new career. I'm going to be a professional guest. I will cook dinner, and do your dishes, all in exchange for a place to stay. I'm an ideal guest so I think I should share my gift with the world. Whatta ya think?
Hey, it 's better than working.
start at my house.
Well, I had a good week. Went snowboarding, drank alot just like I promised you. It was way to cold and french up there for my liking. The temperature was at least -30C with the wind chill practically everyday. I bet some of you can't even imagine how cold that is. I rode the bus home last night at midnight after drinking at some pub...
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