I've had nothin but shit luck raining down on my head like a monsoon. Since the beginning of the month I've been mugged, got a speeding ticket, one of the windows in my truck was smashed in. It's getting to the point I'm afraid to leave the house. At least Amina had a new set up this week, that's probably the best thing to happen all month. Actually maybe there's a turning point in this road paved in shit. I'm going to a hockey game next tuesday. And the Toronto bike show is at the end of the month. New girl friday is right around the corner. Ah hell I'll just have to wait and see what the future has got in store for me.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 14, 2003
I'm in Hollywood MoFo's. -
Thursday Apr 10, 2003
Kalifizzel iz the Shizzel. -
Friday Apr 04, 2003
I am finally on my way to La La land. Next time we speak I'll b… -
Wednesday Apr 02, 2003
someone wish this old man a happy birthday, would'ya. In 4 days I'… -
Sunday Mar 30, 2003
I got a book of matches I got a can of kerosene I got some bad idea… -
Thursday Mar 27, 2003
What's up with people and their shit-breath. If you smoke that much t… -
Tuesday Mar 25, 2003
I think I may need to follow the trend and change my name also. What … -
Saturday Mar 22, 2003
everything is falling apart and at the same time it's all coming toge… -
Thursday Mar 20, 2003
eighteen days -
Wednesday Mar 19, 2003
In nineteen days I'll be in California. I have one million things to …
umm not unless i did it in my sleep