For anyone who cares, Huntington Beach is the spot!
she is so old now........i like the younger chixwink
You know the world has gone mad when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the French are accusing the U.S. of being arrogant, the Germans don't want to go to war and the Toronto Maple leafs are out of the playoffs after the first round. What the Fuck!
Hot Water Music did come out,but i missed em.
prolly coz i was somewhere else getting drunk or something. I'm gonna give sobriety a go.
HABS fan here baby
was it the falls you are in?
i'm from hamilton, but live in st kitts for school
Yesterday my friend and I were out at this museum. We were both looking at this one exhibit, when all of a sudden we heard this thundering fart. We both looked to each other as if it was one of us, then we looked behind us and the only person around was this little girl. We both held back our laughter until it was safe....
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One time I was in the museam and this girl was all aaaaahh and I was like YA WHATEVER!!!!

wonderful things happen at museums..

that game was bunk. they played like godamnedstoned infants. fawk.

that show is may 20..possibly 22. & i have a feeling it's going to be even better than a sum41 appearance..

*laughs at the moon*

So I says to him "It says here that it's three days past expiry" and hes goes on to give me some spiel about how expiry dates don't mean shit. So I says "look man, if the milk has gone sour, I'm not the type of pussy to drink it!" miao!!
What the shit is that from!?!?......I know it's a british accent...and I know its---wait a second...is that from Snatch? Was it the black guy?

I hope the Leafs win tonite, tie up the series and make for some good hockey.

I hope someone actually comes here and leaves me a comment today. Even if it's just to tell me I'm boring or lame.

But I'd rather the Leafs crank Philly upside the head with a tire iron tonite. skull skull skull
that was fuckin' orgasmic.

are you going to the trail of dead show??
Staying at the hostel in Hollywood was good times, I played some Misfits tunes to this dude from Japan who said he liked old punk. He never heard them before, but he rocked out. Then he said he must ask me one question.....What does 'son of a bitch' mean?

I'm back in S.D. now, for a week or so. Today I met a distant relative,...
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Just checking out hollywood for a bit. May go to Santa Monica today. I was supposed to go to Magic Mountain but it rained so I might go tomorrow. I want to watch the Toronto vs. Philly game tonite, and have a few pops. That's all that is new.
Kalifizzel iz the Shizzel.
wizzle hizzle nizzle ... the scattizzle says greetizle. Gizzle my Vacazille down to Kalifizzel eventizzle. See ya on the hizzle.

(Hahaha that was fun to try and make a thought out of that. Saw you on the SGCanada thought I'd say hi .. but thats somewhere in the snoop talk as well .. I think)
I am finally on my way to La La land.

Next time we speak I'll be far away from here.

Good riddance.
How is it, that when your drinking pizza and eating beer, you feel invincible to all around you?
someone wish this old man a happy birthday, would'ya.

In 4 days I'll be on my way to that big warm state in the southwest. I'm fucking exhilerated.