He's back!
*does a little happy-dance*
If I had any doubt that I was/am in love, it's gone! Damn, my face lit up in a huge fucking smile when I saw him, we just stood there staring in each others' eyes, smiling goofily at each other. Yeah!
*does a little happy-dance*

If I had any doubt that I was/am in love, it's gone! Damn, my face lit up in a huge fucking smile when I saw him, we just stood there staring in each others' eyes, smiling goofily at each other. Yeah!
Det er super at hre du er s lykkelig
yay for you
I wonder what's happening now
I think it might be something like this....
oooo eee yeee eeee yeee e ahh ee yeee e yaaa...
awi mbaweh awimbawey awimbwey...
in the jungle, the might jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...