I'm still enjoying life! Yeah!
I just want this weekend to be over and done with fast! My guy is coming home on Monday and I'm really missing him. I knew I'd miss him, but I'm a bit surprised at how much I actually think about him and long for him... He's great!
Today I went to pick up my cat food and litter. It came up with ship 5-6 days ago and was ready today. There's a year's supply, 90kg of food and 150kr litter. One of my friends (and coworker) was nice enough to go with me and help me unload the car and carry it into this storage room I have. I thought it would be harder work than it was.
I'm still sorta regularly going running/jogging. I'm getting a bit faster and slowly learning to control my breathing. I no longer sound like a freight train! lol
I like that feeling of aching muscles that prove to you that you've done something good. It's a good feeling.
-I also like that feeling you get in your mouth when you've eaten something spicey, it makes the tongue all prickly and stuff.
Can't someone please make this weekend go away so I can get my man back faster??

I just want this weekend to be over and done with fast! My guy is coming home on Monday and I'm really missing him. I knew I'd miss him, but I'm a bit surprised at how much I actually think about him and long for him... He's great!

Today I went to pick up my cat food and litter. It came up with ship 5-6 days ago and was ready today. There's a year's supply, 90kg of food and 150kr litter. One of my friends (and coworker) was nice enough to go with me and help me unload the car and carry it into this storage room I have. I thought it would be harder work than it was.
I'm still sorta regularly going running/jogging. I'm getting a bit faster and slowly learning to control my breathing. I no longer sound like a freight train! lol
I like that feeling of aching muscles that prove to you that you've done something good. It's a good feeling.

-I also like that feeling you get in your mouth when you've eaten something spicey, it makes the tongue all prickly and stuff.

Can't someone please make this weekend go away so I can get my man back faster??
So . . . only a couple more days . . . . and your horny little self can get some!