Damn, this whole situation with my ex being here is getting out of hand...
I have friends/coworkers coming to me telling me that it's shitty and that they feel like they're stuck in the middle of something. That my ex keeps knocking on doors, wanting to hang out, eat dinner, go to the gym and so on and so on. That he doesn't seem to understand that they need their privacy and some space for themselves.
I totally understand that he's not having a great time, that he's still in pain from the break-up, but why the heck did he then decide to stay in the same shit ass small town as me??? Seriously. Everybody tells me that they don't understand why he's determined to stay.
Okay, I get the part with him having a job here and a place to stay. But right now he's in one of my company's apartments and when we get summer assistance, they'll need that place. Also, it's really not right for him to keep staying there. He is starting a new job on May 1st, he's waiting for his new boss to return from Denmark to talk to her about getting an apartment, but what will he do if she can't provide one for him? It's none of my business, and in some ways I don't care, but I don't want him "attached" to my job. Also, I've been told that he keeps coming by my job doing who knows what and I have to tell him that I don't want him here. It's my work space and it's really no place for him to be.
I just don't get how he can't see that staying here will hurt our relationship and greatly diminish the chances of us becoming friends, because I'm getting more and more annoyed with him.
It sucks. We should've ended this relationship before I moved to Greenland, but that thought doesn't do me any good now.
Sometimes life just sucks.
On the other hand, it's sorta springtime here, we're having warmer weather and the snow is melting, running in rivers down the hill sides. Eroding the roads, there is a lot of damage that needs fixing when all snow is gone.
I went running today, as I did 2 days ago too. I really don't like it, but I feel good afterwards. Actually, I walked more than I ran, but no point in spraining anything or causing any damage, I'm in really really poor shape. The point is I get to sweat, get the pulse up and fresh air.
-And I'm still enjoying being myself. I can tell that I've missed the single life. Now, if only this town had some quality meet on the market!
I have friends/coworkers coming to me telling me that it's shitty and that they feel like they're stuck in the middle of something. That my ex keeps knocking on doors, wanting to hang out, eat dinner, go to the gym and so on and so on. That he doesn't seem to understand that they need their privacy and some space for themselves.
I totally understand that he's not having a great time, that he's still in pain from the break-up, but why the heck did he then decide to stay in the same shit ass small town as me??? Seriously. Everybody tells me that they don't understand why he's determined to stay.
Okay, I get the part with him having a job here and a place to stay. But right now he's in one of my company's apartments and when we get summer assistance, they'll need that place. Also, it's really not right for him to keep staying there. He is starting a new job on May 1st, he's waiting for his new boss to return from Denmark to talk to her about getting an apartment, but what will he do if she can't provide one for him? It's none of my business, and in some ways I don't care, but I don't want him "attached" to my job. Also, I've been told that he keeps coming by my job doing who knows what and I have to tell him that I don't want him here. It's my work space and it's really no place for him to be.
I just don't get how he can't see that staying here will hurt our relationship and greatly diminish the chances of us becoming friends, because I'm getting more and more annoyed with him.

Sometimes life just sucks.
On the other hand, it's sorta springtime here, we're having warmer weather and the snow is melting, running in rivers down the hill sides. Eroding the roads, there is a lot of damage that needs fixing when all snow is gone.
I went running today, as I did 2 days ago too. I really don't like it, but I feel good afterwards. Actually, I walked more than I ran, but no point in spraining anything or causing any damage, I'm in really really poor shape. The point is I get to sweat, get the pulse up and fresh air.

-And I'm still enjoying being myself. I can tell that I've missed the single life. Now, if only this town had some quality meet on the market!

Gosh, that must be damn awkward!
Yea we are not such a homogenous country as the scandinavian countries are. As for me I am Irish/Scott and Norwegian. My wife is 100% Scotland but she is from the Mountains of Tennessee and well that is pretty much all that live there. In fact they found a family of like 30-40 in the hills that didn't speak english they spoke Irish as they were untouched until then.