I fell on my ass the other day.
It's slippery as hell round here, all ice baby. I was about to throw some garbage into the dumpster and my legs just disappeared under me. Must have looked pretty funny. Didn't feel funny. I've now got a gazillion bruises on my leg and arm. My knee is all blue. I'm glad I didn't smash my already fucked up knee.
Went with a girl from my job to the dog pounds. There are 3 pups that are loose, they'll probably get tied up soon coz they are starting to wander a bit far from their pound.
While we were looking at some other pups, I suddenly noticed a grown female standing next to us. We got kinda scared and started walking slowly towards the car. It was hard to tell which mood she was in. She was wagging her tail a bit, but also bared her teeth a little and at a point she growled at my friend. I'm sure that if one of us had slipped and fallen, she would've gone for us. These Greenlandic working dogs are not something to joke around with.
So, I guess I've interacted enough with the dogs for this year...
The annual bowling tournament has begun. Ren and I were the absolute worst players! -The others are so much more serious about this tournament than I thought. We had a lot of fun, though, and to me that's the most important thing. We're gonna go practice a bit tomorrow I think. It's nice to have something to do. I'm getting restless. i really miss horse riding. I miss my parents. My friends. Having a car. Riding a bike. Guess I've been a bit homesick lately. But there's only about a month till we go home on holiday and I'm really looking forward to it.
It's slippery as hell round here, all ice baby. I was about to throw some garbage into the dumpster and my legs just disappeared under me. Must have looked pretty funny. Didn't feel funny. I've now got a gazillion bruises on my leg and arm. My knee is all blue. I'm glad I didn't smash my already fucked up knee.
Went with a girl from my job to the dog pounds. There are 3 pups that are loose, they'll probably get tied up soon coz they are starting to wander a bit far from their pound.
While we were looking at some other pups, I suddenly noticed a grown female standing next to us. We got kinda scared and started walking slowly towards the car. It was hard to tell which mood she was in. She was wagging her tail a bit, but also bared her teeth a little and at a point she growled at my friend. I'm sure that if one of us had slipped and fallen, she would've gone for us. These Greenlandic working dogs are not something to joke around with.
So, I guess I've interacted enough with the dogs for this year...

The annual bowling tournament has begun. Ren and I were the absolute worst players! -The others are so much more serious about this tournament than I thought. We had a lot of fun, though, and to me that's the most important thing. We're gonna go practice a bit tomorrow I think. It's nice to have something to do. I'm getting restless. i really miss horse riding. I miss my parents. My friends. Having a car. Riding a bike. Guess I've been a bit homesick lately. But there's only about a month till we go home on holiday and I'm really looking forward to it.
That has to be tough duty! Are there things to do off base? How often do you get leave?
At the end of the 3 years, it will probably seem like it went by quickly . . . but it won't while you're doing it!
I can't even imagine what winter must be like up there.
All part of life's adventure!
When I was in Siberia......I fell on my ass so many times my ass was black by the time I got home!!!
Dogs are nice, but not if they show their teeth!!!
Bowling huh? Last I went bowling.....in Russia again.......and they called me Mr. Perfect cause my form was so good.....until the ball stuck to my hand and I went flying down the ally!!!