My tattoo artist is fully booked until mid-May next year. I was hoping to get some work done on my unfinished cobra while I'm on holiday in November. That kinda sucks. Oh, well. Maybe some time in the spring if we go to Denmark, they'll be able to squeeze me in. I hope so. It's been a work in progress for almost 4 years. What can I say, it hurts and I'm a chicken!
sorry that I haven't been around for some months I was in a depressed mood for around 3 months and I wasn't in the mood for internet and such, I isolated myself too much.
I really need something good to happen soon or I will go nuts.Failed my Masters, Failed the appeal and even failed something that I enjoy doing and have been doing for 8 years: DRIVING.
what a year...
No Bow Hunting???
The guy I am using now is so's unbelievable!!! He works in the same shop, but I am still mad at the other guy for blowing me off one day last year......I would have never known how good this other guy was until then, so do I him???
Yep, they need to open that route so you guys can come for a visit!!!