Still waiting to know from SG that they received my set. I'm guessing they'll reject it. The lighting is probably too overexposed or something. I thought I'd give it a shot anyway since I liked it. Probably not enough facial expressions either.
Work is well. I have my final test on August 1st. I'm nervous but my boss says I shouldn't be. He said I'd pass tomorrow if the examiner came. Doesn't help, I'm still nervous.
Not so much for the actual test (well, I just have to do what I do all the time, and the examiner sits behind me. Afterwards he'll ask some theoretical questions that I shouldn't have any problems answering correctly), it's more that once I have my certificate I no longer have an instructor next to me as a safety net, and I'll start having night shifts where I'll be all alone and what if somethings happens or I'll have a situation that I haven't seen before during training.
Oh, well. I'm a wuz....
Considering taking 10-14 days off in Nov or Dec and go to DK to visit my family and my much missed horsey.
I still like it here, but... Well, it's annoying that food is so expensive and you can't always get vegies and fruit. And the stuff you do get isn't very fresh. When they have cucumbers they're all mushy. The price of one litre of yoghurt is 4 times what it costs in DK. Sad. I know it has to be flown in here and stuff, but it's still really expensive. Plus, we only have one shop so he can set the prices as high as he wants, where else should we go....
I also miss fast internet that doesn't cost a fortune. We just got our internet bill, damn!
Oh, well. When I get my certificate, I will also get a considerable raise.
Work is well. I have my final test on August 1st. I'm nervous but my boss says I shouldn't be. He said I'd pass tomorrow if the examiner came. Doesn't help, I'm still nervous.

Oh, well. I'm a wuz....
Considering taking 10-14 days off in Nov or Dec and go to DK to visit my family and my much missed horsey.
I still like it here, but... Well, it's annoying that food is so expensive and you can't always get vegies and fruit. And the stuff you do get isn't very fresh. When they have cucumbers they're all mushy. The price of one litre of yoghurt is 4 times what it costs in DK. Sad. I know it has to be flown in here and stuff, but it's still really expensive. Plus, we only have one shop so he can set the prices as high as he wants, where else should we go....
I also miss fast internet that doesn't cost a fortune. We just got our internet bill, damn!