Okay, I am going to put up my quiz first.... then I am going to reply to everyone. I didn't forget you all!!! I just got home. I had to help out a friend this weekend, but, I won't go into detail because I don't know who is reading. Let's just say that she was hurt by someone real bad by someone she loved and I had to help her move fast.
Enough of all that shit. QUIZ TIME!!!
~ Which Old School Nickelodeon Show Are You? ~
Click here to take the quiz!!!
You are CLARISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL. She is a rad chick with absolutely no fashion sense. If you are a guy and chose this... you are gay.
Between this and Pete and Pete, you could not EVER get me away from the TV. Clarissa was fucking crazy.. SAM OMG He was so fucking hot. Coming up to her window with his little ladder. Think they ever tried to do "hibbity-dibbity"? I know i would have. She was missing a tooth back in the day during that show... I remember that, and no one else did. But then again, I loved that show and watched it religiously. OH! I Almost forgot Salute your Shorts. I liked that one too... but the older Pete in Pete and Pete was fucking HOT too! *drools*
Enough of all that shit. QUIZ TIME!!!
~ Which Old School Nickelodeon Show Are You? ~

You are CLARISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL. She is a rad chick with absolutely no fashion sense. If you are a guy and chose this... you are gay.
Between this and Pete and Pete, you could not EVER get me away from the TV. Clarissa was fucking crazy.. SAM OMG He was so fucking hot. Coming up to her window with his little ladder. Think they ever tried to do "hibbity-dibbity"? I know i would have. She was missing a tooth back in the day during that show... I remember that, and no one else did. But then again, I loved that show and watched it religiously. OH! I Almost forgot Salute your Shorts. I liked that one too... but the older Pete in Pete and Pete was fucking HOT too! *drools*
I keep getting the same results as you, crazy, maybe we were seperated at birth like Luke & Leia?
well that justs ruined my day.
bests to you