I have perfect vision, but love glasses. These made me feel ill.
Face, face, beauty, face.
Too much time in front of the camera this week.
Hot weather makes me irritable and horny.
Dating two people is fucking time consuming. I have second degree burns on my Johnson...
I feel like I haven't had too much time to myself. Weird.
Had a job interview yesterday. No word yet. I'm hoping. The office is 3 blocks from my house.
Pride is this weekend. Looking forward to it.
Internet is still off, BUT Comcast is coming at 7 am Sunday morning. LOVELY!
Sitting in my car, in the parking lot of a coffee shop, stealing internet. I'm that douchebag.
Roger on the two relationships taking time thing. I hardly ever get to spend enough time with my two GFs. Sigh.....
Thank you!