Contractors were over at my house today and ended up cutting off my internet. Fuck.
I'm behind on responding to my messages here, and it isn't looking like it will be happening anytime soon. Sorry.
Sitting at a coffee shop, getting as much done before my bladder explodes or my battery dies. A lady who I gave a lap dance to the other week just walked in. *blush*
I've been feeling faint today for some reason. Kinda blows.
A bit of a shitter:
A while ago I mentioned to my dude's mum that I thought French Bulldogs were cute. I think they are cute, but I don't find them practical to my life. Heat stroke, potty training issues, inability to walk for long periods of time, etc, etc. Despite mentioning a few blogs ago how I want a dog, it isn't suitable for my life right now, I don't know when I'll be getting a job and once I do, it is highly likely I will be traveling a ton.
So! We get a call on Sunday that my mother-in-law bought a French Bulldog. WTF! She said that it is her dog and wouldn't put the responsibility of a puppy on us without asking. Riiiiight. This woman works 60 hours a week and has a husband who is mentally handicapped (due to an unfortunate accident) that requires constant care (diapers, wheelchair, feeding tube) and nurse supervision. Between those two things she's more than stressed the fuck out.
Which means that the puppy is for me. It makes me want to a bad way. The MIL sent us a picture of the's from a fucking puppy mill. It has a goddamn "lifetime guarantee"
It just makes me so pissed. Though it's not outright my dog, I know that if I don't take it it will have a shit ass life with the MIL. Won't be trained properly and left in the care of nurses for the most part. It's a fucking $3000 mistake. Yeah, that's how much the damn puppy cost....and it's being shipped here. SO much wrong with this whole thing. The poor dog is only 5 weeks old and has been dewormed TWICE!
I'm totally capable of taking care of it and loving it and treating it right, but I don't want to be fucking guilted into caring for someone's mistake. Just frustrating. Really, really frustrating.
I'm behind on responding to my messages here, and it isn't looking like it will be happening anytime soon. Sorry.
Sitting at a coffee shop, getting as much done before my bladder explodes or my battery dies. A lady who I gave a lap dance to the other week just walked in. *blush*
I've been feeling faint today for some reason. Kinda blows.
A bit of a shitter:
A while ago I mentioned to my dude's mum that I thought French Bulldogs were cute. I think they are cute, but I don't find them practical to my life. Heat stroke, potty training issues, inability to walk for long periods of time, etc, etc. Despite mentioning a few blogs ago how I want a dog, it isn't suitable for my life right now, I don't know when I'll be getting a job and once I do, it is highly likely I will be traveling a ton.
So! We get a call on Sunday that my mother-in-law bought a French Bulldog. WTF! She said that it is her dog and wouldn't put the responsibility of a puppy on us without asking. Riiiiight. This woman works 60 hours a week and has a husband who is mentally handicapped (due to an unfortunate accident) that requires constant care (diapers, wheelchair, feeding tube) and nurse supervision. Between those two things she's more than stressed the fuck out.
Which means that the puppy is for me. It makes me want to a bad way. The MIL sent us a picture of the's from a fucking puppy mill. It has a goddamn "lifetime guarantee"

I'm totally capable of taking care of it and loving it and treating it right, but I don't want to be fucking guilted into caring for someone's mistake. Just frustrating. Really, really frustrating.
...and from a puppy mill, too. Double ugh. I'm with BRS - send her information about what she supported.
(I just started reading Fruitless Fall earlier this evening, and it's quite good so far - thank you for the recommendation.)