Oh my goodness, I am reading books again. I honestly do not know the last time I read a book for pleasure and now I am reading 2!
First one is Fruitless Fall by Rowan Jacobsen
It is about the demise of the honey bee. I am not too far into it, but it seems to be pretty interesting. I am really interested in food production, so this is right up my alley.
The next book I am reading is Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire by Lisa M. Diamond
I have been reading this for a little while now. I have mixed feelings about it. This book is really interesting in that it brings in a lot of scientific studies. I just feel weird reading this book in that I am not conflicted with my sexuality, nor am I seeking a reason for my feelings. I do not know why I am having a problem reading it, I think that it might have to do with it is not written in such a way that when I read it at night it keeps me up. The bees book is written kind of like a murder mystery which is much more interesting for me to read.
Either way, I am really excited to have a bit more time on my hands.
I made up some raw crackers last night. They are made of flax, almonds, cilantro, red pepper, onion carrots, and sea salt. Oh man, they filled the house with the most fantastic smell while dehydrating.
Wizard World was fun! I hung out with an amazing set of ladies (Friskey, Agy, Nymph, Malice). A bit of excitement occurred when the fire alarm was pulled and we had to evacuate. The day was gorgeous so we sat in the sun for a bit.
After the Con I grabbed a bite to eat with AandP and Mneylu at The Beaver. It was Earth Hour so Mneylu was amazing and brought us glow sticks. SO RAD!

Things got wild

I am so excited, we have a heat wave hitting. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the upper sixties and Friday in the upper seventies.
In celebration, I bought dresses. The first one is also my 17/52. Getting back into the swing of things.

First one is Fruitless Fall by Rowan Jacobsen
It is about the demise of the honey bee. I am not too far into it, but it seems to be pretty interesting. I am really interested in food production, so this is right up my alley.
The next book I am reading is Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire by Lisa M. Diamond
I have been reading this for a little while now. I have mixed feelings about it. This book is really interesting in that it brings in a lot of scientific studies. I just feel weird reading this book in that I am not conflicted with my sexuality, nor am I seeking a reason for my feelings. I do not know why I am having a problem reading it, I think that it might have to do with it is not written in such a way that when I read it at night it keeps me up. The bees book is written kind of like a murder mystery which is much more interesting for me to read.
Either way, I am really excited to have a bit more time on my hands.
I made up some raw crackers last night. They are made of flax, almonds, cilantro, red pepper, onion carrots, and sea salt. Oh man, they filled the house with the most fantastic smell while dehydrating.
Wizard World was fun! I hung out with an amazing set of ladies (Friskey, Agy, Nymph, Malice). A bit of excitement occurred when the fire alarm was pulled and we had to evacuate. The day was gorgeous so we sat in the sun for a bit.
After the Con I grabbed a bite to eat with AandP and Mneylu at The Beaver. It was Earth Hour so Mneylu was amazing and brought us glow sticks. SO RAD!

Things got wild

I am so excited, we have a heat wave hitting. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the upper sixties and Friday in the upper seventies.
In celebration, I bought dresses. The first one is also my 17/52. Getting back into the swing of things.

Thanks Smythe. I appreciate it.
PP does not yet offer Gardasil but they said they would be sometime soon but they don't know when. So who knows!