As usual! yay for busy. I have been doing many shows! and some shoots and stuff. and workshops!
Monday and tuesday I was doing aerial workshops with @squeak! Aerial chains and hoop flow! I like taking classes with as many people as possible it's so much fun!
Also I QUIT SMOKING!!!! well sort of, I stopped smoking analog cigarettes I vaporizer now. My smoke tastes like banana split, what a time to be alive.
So because I hate computers so much I'm just going to list the things then have the photos at the bottom line up with the thing.... because I can never make the photo thing work. technology is bullshit.
Got a sweet vape pipe, I look like sherlock holmes... it broke it like 3 days
I got tattooed by Aaron Is
I performed at the Philly zombie crawl on my hoop, and at the Baltimore tattoo convention
I'm working on my new show that will be on june 7. fully improv burlesque! wooo hoooo
Also follow me on instagram! see the things i do because this site it confusing to post on! @smurfasaur
now for photos!