Come out to the arrested devloupment burlesque show tomorrow hosted by miss rose!
Also NYC zombie crawl watch me get shit smashed on my tummy and staple the shit out of me!
So I have had a crazy few weeks... I guess we will start this story with me and my fiance broke it off. We aren't together anymore. Don't even be stupid and start an unwanted pitty party I'm the one that did it and let me tell you... My life has exploded in pure awesome since we broke up. For real. I now see how much he was actually holding me back from doing the things I love to do, and meeting people that are going to make me a better person on the inside and with my skill sets. I have been super busy with traveling I think i have only been home like 2 days in the past few weeks. So i Guess Ill start right after the break up...
Clown Crawl Philadelphia- HAHAHAHA wtf why was I even there? I used to be terrified of clowns... this may or may not be turning into a fetish instead of a fear... maybe. Some old friends saw a photo of me as a clown and flipped shit. haha everyone said they never would have expected it

and here is a scary clown and me being uncomfortable in Kentucky

So some big BIG news, I'm going on tour with The Freak Kings! Yup that is right a Smurf coming to a city near you with The Illustrated Penguin, Baron von Giger, and Dr. Claw. We are going across the country performing in so many cities! Here are our tour dates, some are still TBA so if you are a promoter or know one in these cities either get at me or email
Tour Dates- Help us fill these holes!
Richmond VA June 12 TBA
Charleston SC June 13 The Mill
Atlanta June 14 Friday TBA
Augusta GA June 15-16 tattoo convention.
Lake Worth FL June 19 Propaganda
St. Petersburg FL June 20 TBA
Gainesville Fl June 21 Backstage lounge
New Orleans June 22-26 TBA
June 25 St Roch tavern
Houston TX June 27 TBA
Dallas TX June 28 TBA
Oklahoma City OK June 29 TBA
Denver CO June 30-July 3 TBA
Albuquerque NM July 4 TBA
Phoenix AZ July 5-6 TBA
lasVegas NV July 7-10 TBA
July 7 Double down saloon
San Diego CA July 11 TBA
Los Angeles CA July 12-17 TBA
Fresno CA July 18 TBA
San Francisco CA July 19 TBA
Redding CA July 20-24 TBA
Eugene OR July 25 TBA
Portland OR July 26-28 TBA
Seattle WA July 29-31 TBA
So I guess after that I went to perform at the Kentucky Tattoo convention!

We got wrecked and played hackey sack with juggling clubs...

I also learned to siamese juggle with Seven

And boobs and an amazing photobomb happened!

I get back from Kentucky at 8 am last tuesday morning and had to leave again for Playa del Fugeo! Thursday morning... It was amazing but one bad seen tried to ruin it for me. Fucking ego maniac fuck that i called party with new friends

I got home and Soap immediately called party...

And the I came up with the best palm tattoo ever!

Oh and my face is on a poster in France!

Also NYC zombie crawl watch me get shit smashed on my tummy and staple the shit out of me!
So I have had a crazy few weeks... I guess we will start this story with me and my fiance broke it off. We aren't together anymore. Don't even be stupid and start an unwanted pitty party I'm the one that did it and let me tell you... My life has exploded in pure awesome since we broke up. For real. I now see how much he was actually holding me back from doing the things I love to do, and meeting people that are going to make me a better person on the inside and with my skill sets. I have been super busy with traveling I think i have only been home like 2 days in the past few weeks. So i Guess Ill start right after the break up...
Clown Crawl Philadelphia- HAHAHAHA wtf why was I even there? I used to be terrified of clowns... this may or may not be turning into a fetish instead of a fear... maybe. Some old friends saw a photo of me as a clown and flipped shit. haha everyone said they never would have expected it

and here is a scary clown and me being uncomfortable in Kentucky

So some big BIG news, I'm going on tour with The Freak Kings! Yup that is right a Smurf coming to a city near you with The Illustrated Penguin, Baron von Giger, and Dr. Claw. We are going across the country performing in so many cities! Here are our tour dates, some are still TBA so if you are a promoter or know one in these cities either get at me or email
Tour Dates- Help us fill these holes!
Richmond VA June 12 TBA
Charleston SC June 13 The Mill
Atlanta June 14 Friday TBA
Augusta GA June 15-16 tattoo convention.
Lake Worth FL June 19 Propaganda
St. Petersburg FL June 20 TBA
Gainesville Fl June 21 Backstage lounge
New Orleans June 22-26 TBA
June 25 St Roch tavern
Houston TX June 27 TBA
Dallas TX June 28 TBA
Oklahoma City OK June 29 TBA
Denver CO June 30-July 3 TBA
Albuquerque NM July 4 TBA
Phoenix AZ July 5-6 TBA
lasVegas NV July 7-10 TBA
July 7 Double down saloon
San Diego CA July 11 TBA
Los Angeles CA July 12-17 TBA
Fresno CA July 18 TBA
San Francisco CA July 19 TBA
Redding CA July 20-24 TBA
Eugene OR July 25 TBA
Portland OR July 26-28 TBA
Seattle WA July 29-31 TBA
So I guess after that I went to perform at the Kentucky Tattoo convention!

We got wrecked and played hackey sack with juggling clubs...

I also learned to siamese juggle with Seven

And boobs and an amazing photobomb happened!

I get back from Kentucky at 8 am last tuesday morning and had to leave again for Playa del Fugeo! Thursday morning... It was amazing but one bad seen tried to ruin it for me. Fucking ego maniac fuck that i called party with new friends

I got home and Soap immediately called party...

And the I came up with the best palm tattoo ever!

Oh and my face is on a poster in France!

hahaha lady soap!
Lady soap is the best soap!