aw man i have been busy I have not had one day to myself to do nothing/regular life things in about 2 and a half weeks! busy busy shooting with new photographers shooting fetish clips working trying to work on my number/costume for zombie crawl getting ready for sleezarama going to circus school and doggie sitting!
i get to doggie sit for a month! Bon bon has been here for a week ish she is a big doggie! pitt mastiff mix 130 lbs and uses me as a pillow and has smelly dog farts

she is such a sweet heart though! she snores loud and licks us alot she dosent even bother the cat

i can just see the cats brain going SOON
annnnd we had a bon fire! we have a fire pit in our new back yard! i ate smores

sweet spandex party

Im also going to be doing a zombie elvis number in a few weeks at the zombie crawl in philly and at our pre party show the night before! im excited about the sequin costuming... and the drinking of course
i started back into circus school again! yay!! and guys i need your help! if you know anyone into side show preforming that would be willing to teach me sword swallowing or anything of that nature let me know!! im trying to do it
and Im going to be preforming with a side troop Horrible Harlots at SLEEZEARAMA at the M room philadelphia! think of the trashyest most offensive things you can think of on stage with metal bands needles jones as the mc and ridiculous contests! come out try to win some prizes!

I also just got a fetlife account under my other alter ego for my fetish work
add me
AND exciting news I shot a set recently with the amazing albertine annnnnd shot 2 sets with the wonderful brooklyn!

oh and i forgot me and RMR is in the spring issue of girls and corpses again!

i get to doggie sit for a month! Bon bon has been here for a week ish she is a big doggie! pitt mastiff mix 130 lbs and uses me as a pillow and has smelly dog farts

she is such a sweet heart though! she snores loud and licks us alot she dosent even bother the cat

i can just see the cats brain going SOON
annnnd we had a bon fire! we have a fire pit in our new back yard! i ate smores

sweet spandex party

Im also going to be doing a zombie elvis number in a few weeks at the zombie crawl in philly and at our pre party show the night before! im excited about the sequin costuming... and the drinking of course
i started back into circus school again! yay!! and guys i need your help! if you know anyone into side show preforming that would be willing to teach me sword swallowing or anything of that nature let me know!! im trying to do it
and Im going to be preforming with a side troop Horrible Harlots at SLEEZEARAMA at the M room philadelphia! think of the trashyest most offensive things you can think of on stage with metal bands needles jones as the mc and ridiculous contests! come out try to win some prizes!

I also just got a fetlife account under my other alter ego for my fetish work
add me

AND exciting news I shot a set recently with the amazing albertine annnnnd shot 2 sets with the wonderful brooklyn!

oh and i forgot me and RMR is in the spring issue of girls and corpses again!

i have a Rodesian Ridgeback / Bull Mastiff mix and she is 145lbs and sits in my lap and sleeps under the covers with me.
My Bloodhound too.
