hey SG land! i havent bloged in a while, i have been so fucking busy!
Who bought me organizers off my wishlist? I need to know who you are to tell you thank you
This will help my organizing comic books so much! Im getting another roommate so things have to get more organized, I'm excited!
If i havent told you guys yet im sewing super hero suits for my friend now, he does amazing prop weapons and masks! He goes by jesterFX on facebook, he has a website too but its under constrution right now. Anyone who wants costumes for conventions or what ever check it out! Everything is extremely good quality
I'm also busy working on my civil war number to a hank williams III number! im excited about it I love the civil war, im still mad that my mom wouldnt let me go participate in a reenactment with my teacher in high school
i will be mad about this forever... haha if anyone finds good burlesque videos on youtube or whatever let a girl know! they are hard to find!
i got 2 new tattoos!!! at the ac tattoo con by joe peterson, they are awesome! if you are in the mass area go see him he is such a good artist and an awesome guy!
and of course BOOBIES!!!!!

Who bought me organizers off my wishlist? I need to know who you are to tell you thank you

If i havent told you guys yet im sewing super hero suits for my friend now, he does amazing prop weapons and masks! He goes by jesterFX on facebook, he has a website too but its under constrution right now. Anyone who wants costumes for conventions or what ever check it out! Everything is extremely good quality

I'm also busy working on my civil war number to a hank williams III number! im excited about it I love the civil war, im still mad that my mom wouldnt let me go participate in a reenactment with my teacher in high school

i got 2 new tattoos!!! at the ac tattoo con by joe peterson, they are awesome! if you are in the mass area go see him he is such a good artist and an awesome guy!

and of course BOOBIES!!!!!

Ink and boobies....I'm game.
Do you sew anime themed costumes too?

i make them myself for conventions