Who is going to philly wizard world? Ill be there
i have been super busy doing nothing somehow...
and friday me and ash had the most ridiculous strawberry daquri making experience EVER
ash: I have daquries!
me: dude bring it over!
she gets here and forgot rum, no biggie we go to the liquer store! its like 7pm
shit dude i dont have a blender! so we go to walmart! and get drunk snacks! dude DUDE creamsicle oreos are THE SHIT seriously go get em they are the best thing ever.
meanwhile, i came up with an urban dictionary definition for creamsicle
creamsicle: when you are facefucking a girl from the jersey shore, pull out and splooge on her face and her spray tan and your load mixtogether looking like a melted creamsicle
hahaha... ok back on track
then we get home and i realize we have one icecube tray and its the space invader icecubes so they are like 1/4 the size of normal icecubes! fuck dude texted graham and stole his ice!
FINNALLY MADE DAQURIES!!!! by this time it was midnight and have been getting up retarded early for shit and getting no sleep- so we drank 1 and passed out >.<
story of my life- everything is way harder then it has to be and takes forever!

i have been super busy doing nothing somehow...
and friday me and ash had the most ridiculous strawberry daquri making experience EVER
ash: I have daquries!
me: dude bring it over!
she gets here and forgot rum, no biggie we go to the liquer store! its like 7pm
shit dude i dont have a blender! so we go to walmart! and get drunk snacks! dude DUDE creamsicle oreos are THE SHIT seriously go get em they are the best thing ever.
meanwhile, i came up with an urban dictionary definition for creamsicle
creamsicle: when you are facefucking a girl from the jersey shore, pull out and splooge on her face and her spray tan and your load mixtogether looking like a melted creamsicle
hahaha... ok back on track
then we get home and i realize we have one icecube tray and its the space invader icecubes so they are like 1/4 the size of normal icecubes! fuck dude texted graham and stole his ice!
FINNALLY MADE DAQURIES!!!! by this time it was midnight and have been getting up retarded early for shit and getting no sleep- so we drank 1 and passed out >.<
story of my life- everything is way harder then it has to be and takes forever!
Thank you lovely!!!