Eh not having fb has given me so much peace for a couple days!
@Haubitze yeah they do! HAHA!! @tobys07 yeah it is man!! It's funny how my so called best mates haven't even bothered txting me to see if I'm okay as they would know i'd never block them in a million years and I would only disable my accounts (all 3) if something was really wrong as I'm obsessed with fb updating random/stupid/funny status up to 10 times a day lol (gets on peoples nerves til it stops then they miss it)... Even the woman I worked for 3 years ago (job agency) who I've kept in touch with over the years txt my mum as her partner now works for them to get my number as she was worried about me.
@Hemi yeah it is ^.^ It's now 1:51 am on wednesday and i disabled it on Saturday (: And I'm so obsessed i never log out even on my phone!! Unless I'm on a night out to save battery. Doing some sketching which i haven't done since i was 14 aha And @Posca Yeah i followed you hehe ^.^