Hmm I'm not quite sure what to write really... I suppose a blog is to write about your thoughts... Well I love animals and am obviously against animal cruelty. I chose to Include my Siberian husky in my set because he is beautiful and went with the 'little red riding hood' scene. Personally I think that people who commit animal cruelty do not get harsh enough punishment and because of that it keeps happening. I have had to deal with it first hand as a year ago, October 2012 my beautiful baby Shadow got attacked near where I live. He was off the lead when he disappeared. My mum who was walking him at the time spent a good 40 minutes looking for him til she turned back. After an hour and half ordeal my poor dog has come hurtling home covered in blood all around his throat and face. He was attached to a choke chain collar with no stopper with a rope lead clipped onto it. Now originally we thought looking at the welt across his throat and the hole by his vocal cords that he had been in a dog fight... Later when we rushed him to the vets and they shaved his neck we were disgusted and shocked to say the least to find that in actual fact some little Cretans has decided to try slit my dogs throat open and failing that attempt because of his double thick coat have decided to stab him 7 times in the throat just missing his vitals including his vocal chords. They had also burnt his rump with their motorcycle exhaust in this ordeal. His double coat saved him from enduring too much damage as it only burned the first coat. It's taken the police a year to finally find someone to question because they were bragging about it. But even then they will be charged with property damage and animal cruelty.. I even said to the police if it was a police dog it would be attempted murder they'd get charged with. He's not a piece of property. It makes me sick that people out there would do such a thing especially to such a lovely dog. He loves children and adults alike and would have just ran up to say hello. The vets said in all their years working in the practice they have never met such a lovely and well behaved dog. Even getting shaved and the septic holes in his throat cleaned he lay there and never once tried to bite the vets... He's long healed now and for some reason still loves everyone and cuddles up to people on the local bus. This is why I love animals as even though such a terrible thing happened to him, instead of hating all humans which we do when a dog merely bites us, he loves everyone.

He's so cute! I don't know how anyone can do such horribe things. Can only imagine how hard it would've been to go through all of that. If it happened to my dogs I'd lose it. Glad he came out good in the end

Ah thank you! Yeah it is disgusting! And yeah I did lose it (: they are lucky we don't know their names... Yet! Waiting for the police to release names when all this is over with