Thank you to all who have commented on my new set! If you haven't seen it check it out in Member Review:
Smurf- Orange kind of girl
School started....I think a unknown serial killer is my Critical Thinking teacher. I've never had such a weird creep vibe from a teacher (there have been few people that I get that weird vibe but I don't associate with them because they are crazy) whose first words to the class were, "I guess the therapy has been paying off because I didn't want to kill that guy [the custodian that let us into the classroom because this dude didn't know he needed a key to get into his own fucking classroom]". Then during class he said he didn't get copies of the syllabus made because, "I want to kill the people who run the copy center". I've been to enough group therapy sessions in various hospitals to know that THAT guy has issues that I don't want to transfer onto the class or me. I may have to drop the class and can't take another ENGL 5 this semester because they are at times that interfere with my Math and Tutoring class. If he is still as chaotic next tuesday, then I'll be forced to drop the class.
My TV obsession at the moment is "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew". I'm pissed at VH1 for showing the entire show basically in it's clips of "coming up next" or "next time...". When you watch the show there is barely anything else to it besides all the bits they keep teasing you with. There's cameras in there at least 12 hours a day for 21 days, SHOW MORE FOOTAGE!! Half the time I go to the videos of extra scenes don't want to load/play. Such the tease! But I'm glad last night I finally got to see the whole Mindy McCready seizure bit because it put my fears at rest when she came back later. Watching the beginning of that clip over and over on commercials and the episode before was just khfdaknaklfn sadfsdfnsdfnsv. I can't wait till Dennis Rodman opens up, I want to know what made him such the denial-monster. I thought since he rushed out to wish Mindy off he showed some heart, but he did barely hug his kids back when he entered treatment. I want to see his walls come down. Listening to McKenzie Phillips makes me never want to listen to The Mama's and Papas ever again since her dad started and continued an ancestral relationship with her till he basically died. Oi yoi yoi
I have been listening to the "Love" remix of The Beatles songs. After watching a video about the making of the show it brought together everything that I saw in Vegas. If you go to Vegas and see 1 show, see "Love". From a technical, visual, audio, stimulation point of view its fucking incredible. It's why people want to work in theater because it's fabulous. From watching the BBC's making of the show, George Martin reveals that the version of "Strawberry Fields Forever" used was a demo that Yoko Ono shared with him of John sitting at home with the tape recorder in front of him. It's so lovely...
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone.
But it all works out,
It doesn't matter much to me.
--"Strawberry Fields Forever" The Beatles
Smurf- Orange kind of girl
School started....I think a unknown serial killer is my Critical Thinking teacher. I've never had such a weird creep vibe from a teacher (there have been few people that I get that weird vibe but I don't associate with them because they are crazy) whose first words to the class were, "I guess the therapy has been paying off because I didn't want to kill that guy [the custodian that let us into the classroom because this dude didn't know he needed a key to get into his own fucking classroom]". Then during class he said he didn't get copies of the syllabus made because, "I want to kill the people who run the copy center". I've been to enough group therapy sessions in various hospitals to know that THAT guy has issues that I don't want to transfer onto the class or me. I may have to drop the class and can't take another ENGL 5 this semester because they are at times that interfere with my Math and Tutoring class. If he is still as chaotic next tuesday, then I'll be forced to drop the class.

My TV obsession at the moment is "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew". I'm pissed at VH1 for showing the entire show basically in it's clips of "coming up next" or "next time...". When you watch the show there is barely anything else to it besides all the bits they keep teasing you with. There's cameras in there at least 12 hours a day for 21 days, SHOW MORE FOOTAGE!! Half the time I go to the videos of extra scenes don't want to load/play. Such the tease! But I'm glad last night I finally got to see the whole Mindy McCready seizure bit because it put my fears at rest when she came back later. Watching the beginning of that clip over and over on commercials and the episode before was just khfdaknaklfn sadfsdfnsdfnsv. I can't wait till Dennis Rodman opens up, I want to know what made him such the denial-monster. I thought since he rushed out to wish Mindy off he showed some heart, but he did barely hug his kids back when he entered treatment. I want to see his walls come down. Listening to McKenzie Phillips makes me never want to listen to The Mama's and Papas ever again since her dad started and continued an ancestral relationship with her till he basically died. Oi yoi yoi
I have been listening to the "Love" remix of The Beatles songs. After watching a video about the making of the show it brought together everything that I saw in Vegas. If you go to Vegas and see 1 show, see "Love". From a technical, visual, audio, stimulation point of view its fucking incredible. It's why people want to work in theater because it's fabulous. From watching the BBC's making of the show, George Martin reveals that the version of "Strawberry Fields Forever" used was a demo that Yoko Ono shared with him of John sitting at home with the tape recorder in front of him. It's so lovely...
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone.
But it all works out,
It doesn't matter much to me.
--"Strawberry Fields Forever" The Beatles
I'm getting a tattoo today that you will LOVE