Disneyland was amazing! Went on Space Mountain and it is suuuuuuuuper neato.
I am probably not moving now because I will be living in South Africa towards the end of the year to study primates. Yay Baboon Sanctuary!!! If you go to google and type that in it's the first link. So check that shit out.
I am in an art show tomorrow so come buy and by my paintings. They are herra cheap...about 35 buckers.
I love hitting the clearance racks of stores and buying cool crap for again, herra cheap.
I don't really like Twwly's picture that appears on your fav SG's. But oh well, if I could I would hump her leg.
I miss Emylou where ever she is not writting back
And did i say I'm GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA!!!
.............it's all animal planet's fault........
I am probably not moving now because I will be living in South Africa towards the end of the year to study primates. Yay Baboon Sanctuary!!! If you go to google and type that in it's the first link. So check that shit out.
I am in an art show tomorrow so come buy and by my paintings. They are herra cheap...about 35 buckers.
I love hitting the clearance racks of stores and buying cool crap for again, herra cheap.
I don't really like Twwly's picture that appears on your fav SG's. But oh well, if I could I would hump her leg.
I miss Emylou where ever she is not writting back

And did i say I'm GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA!!!
.............it's all animal planet's fault........

You're art is gonna be in a show. How motherfucking cool is that? Really. And Africa. A F R I C A. Giraffes and stuff are just gonna walk up to you and be all, "You know it's really fucking cool that you're here, right?"
To which you would have every right to reply, "Yes, yes it is. I just sort of rock like that don't I, stretch?"
Or, you could be all, "Aaaaaaaaaah, oh sweet baby buddha with a prada bag!!! The giraffe is talking!!!! Ahhhhhh!!"
Probably not though. I don't get the impression that a talking giraffe would phase you. Really.
Best of luck and big sacks of fun for all of it though!