Oh yeah, I'm a lazy sonofabiatch at the moment. Time to update.
Took two valiums last night, slept in and missed school. I'm about to have a smoke, jump onto the train, fly into the city and take photos of those glass and steel monoliths. I have to re-shoot as I accidently over-exposed two roles whilst developing them!
Not a good start to the week!
I love Freo!
Came through!
Hmm, not much happened on the weekend. I went over to my buddies place and shared recipes with his mother. Ahh, the joys of Sicillian cooking, rich and robust flavours!
This city is giving me the shits, I'm thinking of moving to Melbourne or Auckland... There is no work in Perth, but at least it's easier to get noticed over here!
I've also taken up smoking again!
Get stuffed!
Try to have a good week everyone!!!
Took two valiums last night, slept in and missed school. I'm about to have a smoke, jump onto the train, fly into the city and take photos of those glass and steel monoliths. I have to re-shoot as I accidently over-exposed two roles whilst developing them!

I love Freo!

Hmm, not much happened on the weekend. I went over to my buddies place and shared recipes with his mother. Ahh, the joys of Sicillian cooking, rich and robust flavours!

This city is giving me the shits, I'm thinking of moving to Melbourne or Auckland... There is no work in Perth, but at least it's easier to get noticed over here!

I've also taken up smoking again!

Get stuffed!

Try to have a good week everyone!!!
What recipes did ya get? I went through my grandma's recipie books and realised they were all in italian... damn
How long had you quit smoking for???