Getting my head around christmas! Everything is coming together nicely.
Following efficiency mantra has helped, and believe me... I usually need help in this department.
I've been running into lots of old friends,
it's great that we still enjoy eachothers company so much. Oooh, I'm getting sentimental... I really am... holy shit... anyhow - in other news: NYE, YEAH!
I'm dj'ing at an 80's prom themed party at the Rosemount "Fast Times at Gigolo High" The flier has my character as Kelly Lebroc (Weird Science) - I feel sexy already.
All the best for hookups and Xmas
Following efficiency mantra has helped, and believe me... I usually need help in this department.
I've been running into lots of old friends,
it's great that we still enjoy eachothers company so much. Oooh, I'm getting sentimental... I really am... holy shit... anyhow - in other news: NYE, YEAH!
I'm dj'ing at an 80's prom themed party at the Rosemount "Fast Times at Gigolo High" The flier has my character as Kelly Lebroc (Weird Science) - I feel sexy already.
All the best for hookups and Xmas

When you have a look at who's won WINK awards and who got nominated but didn't win, it feels got to not win. They tend to give them out to the most out there projects that wouldn't normally get much coverage.
Oh, and hi and stuff