allow me to preface this AMAZING journal entry *looks at beedlebaum* by saying I am not back! (that was for those of you that dont bother reading my journal, just see that I updated and assume that I am back
I didnt want to update so soon but due to popular demand Ive been forced to succumb to the wishes of my dear friends. *sigh* my work never ends.
*gets off high horse*
anyway, here is the deal. my uncle is still here. he only speaks polish and well since I dont there are moments that are a little bit awkward for us. lucky for me Ive been alternating mostly with my mom so Im not required to be with him alone all the time. also I have the weekends free during which time Ive been hanging out with my long lost friends. overallgood times.
before I forget I started a groupreality TV. please only join if you really want to and not because you feel you need to do me a favor as a friend. however, if you have other friends that may be interested feel free to inform them of the groups existence. thanks!
and nowpresentingart by approachingthetha!
isnt it lovely? it captures a very important part of my life in a nice way.
by the way, welcome back OutlawTrick! he just came back from serving overseas. give him some loveor appreciationor something.
good-bye pierced lips. you were nice while you lasted.
*curses parents*
psstAgent, sgdevotee, ThisAintNoPicnic come back!
thats all for now. if youve bothered to read this far I just want to let you know that I will be back on SG full time in november. as always I will be checking in from time to time so until november take care of yourselves and each other (whoa! jerry springer moment
). love, viki
edit: thank you djskandalous.

I didnt want to update so soon but due to popular demand Ive been forced to succumb to the wishes of my dear friends. *sigh* my work never ends.
*gets off high horse*

anyway, here is the deal. my uncle is still here. he only speaks polish and well since I dont there are moments that are a little bit awkward for us. lucky for me Ive been alternating mostly with my mom so Im not required to be with him alone all the time. also I have the weekends free during which time Ive been hanging out with my long lost friends. overallgood times.
before I forget I started a groupreality TV. please only join if you really want to and not because you feel you need to do me a favor as a friend. however, if you have other friends that may be interested feel free to inform them of the groups existence. thanks!

and nowpresentingart by approachingthetha!

isnt it lovely? it captures a very important part of my life in a nice way.
by the way, welcome back OutlawTrick! he just came back from serving overseas. give him some loveor appreciationor something.
good-bye pierced lips. you were nice while you lasted.

psstAgent, sgdevotee, ThisAintNoPicnic come back!

thats all for now. if youve bothered to read this far I just want to let you know that I will be back on SG full time in november. as always I will be checking in from time to time so until november take care of yourselves and each other (whoa! jerry springer moment

edit: thank you djskandalous.

wow that is the hottest profile pic ever
Someone's belly is up there!