ok maybe not that time.

but it is time for me to bid you farewell. not a final one of course. my uncle flies in tonight so some (not all) of my time will be consumed by him. I won't be as absent as before but sadly no day to day updates for a while. hang in there. I'll be here..on and off.
my labor day weekend was great. my friend and I hit the beach and cape cod (it's becoming my second home). I also went shopping (twice! the addiction to buy "stuff" is becoming pretty hardcore). I have no pictures to show you this time. my apologies.
everyone enjoy the rest of your summer *crosses fingers* and I'll be in touch.

♥ I miss you ...please come back. ♥
of course we would use our web-names, that would just be too awesome to believe.
"Come on, Smuff! Finish those cockroaches!"
Seriously, your next update better be AMAZING. Lie if you have to.