Blog homework from @missy and @rambo !
Since having my littl'un some of my goals are the same (they are just a bit more urgent now), but I have a few new ones, too;
First things first- Get our own house!! Let me tell you, sometimes living with parents when you have a baby comes with all new stresses along with a bit of help occasionally. I just cant wait to have more space and privacy!
- Complete my skydive to raise money this September!
- Throw my boy a wicked First Birthday party! 🎈
- Learn a new skill. I would love to learn Pole dancing (I had one lesson a year ago but couldnt afford to go again at the time), Burlesque dancing, fire breathing/eating and my friend and I might be starting yoga!
- When I go back to work from Maternity leave I want to go back to something I love and im passionate about. Doing a job just for money isnt enough for me, I get very down
- Shoot more sets!! Got soooo many awesome ideas
- Become a Mummy to more fur babies (first acquire the house). A [rescued] Great Dane and more ratties would be perfect
-Who knows, maybe become a Mummy to my second child?
I am happy to say I have achieved two big things this year, I had my beautiful baby boy and passed my driving test! Lets keep going 👊
What goals do you awesome nerds have? **love** Smudge