I've been a little busy so it's taken me a short while to actually post a blog! Still a bit new to SG, I haven't ventured round much. Maybe I should do something about it!
I had fun on Friday, went for a drink with some workmates. I think I had a couple too many (seeing as I can only handle one pint :blush me = lightweight.
The football on Saturday was pretty good, the result was all that really mattered. Mistress_Paine had arrived home half way through the first-half so she watched it with me. I can't wait till Wednesday for the Russia game, I hope we win again. Only problem is, cause I'm off to Leeds with Mistress_Paine, she doesn't have a telly for uni
We've been packing her stuff for uni which has been a tad stressful. It's a bit upsetting cause she's in Leeds and I'm in shitty Tamworth. It's gonna be hard having a long distance relationship . If anyone knows any good places to go that would be a great help.
I had fun on Friday, went for a drink with some workmates. I think I had a couple too many (seeing as I can only handle one pint :blush me = lightweight.
The football on Saturday was pretty good, the result was all that really mattered. Mistress_Paine had arrived home half way through the first-half so she watched it with me. I can't wait till Wednesday for the Russia game, I hope we win again. Only problem is, cause I'm off to Leeds with Mistress_Paine, she doesn't have a telly for uni
We've been packing her stuff for uni which has been a tad stressful. It's a bit upsetting cause she's in Leeds and I'm in shitty Tamworth. It's gonna be hard having a long distance relationship . If anyone knows any good places to go that would be a great help.
'Ey up, thought I'd pop by and say Hi, might be having drrinkies with you tomorrow x
Honestly, you don't like updating do you xx