So I got a Rome guide book which I will have to study. I decided Im staying about a week. Taking a late Sunday flight. Hang out Mon. - Wed. Then Wed. night there is a cocktail party Im required to go to. Then the conference begins Thur. morning. Leave Sat. morning. Back to work on Monday. The whole trip will fly by.
I figured I should take advantage of the free $1500 plane ticket and the 200 euro a night "special" rate at the hotel and go early.
UPDATE ! For sliggy or anyone else who is curious.
oh . . right I have yet to explain why Im getting a free trip to Rome. My job requires me to communicate with photo editors and editor in chief's in about 17 different countries throughout the world. I sell our photo shoots from our American edition to their countries edition. All the same magazine. This is just one of my responsibilties. The conference is a chance to meet all of our international licensees that we do work with on a weekly basis. Also to discuss the direction of the magazine as a whole throughout the world.
There ya go!
The weather is crappy. "Blows my weekend." I have NO plans. Of course next week is filling itself out nicely. Can never spread these things out.
Oh. I finally joined the rest of the 20 something "cool kid" population and got a myspace account. my profile I dont know why. People were asking. I thought Id follow the crowd. Although I really dont need another social outlet through my computer screen. But if you wanna add me or whatever. There ya go, knock yourself out. Im more interested in using it as an outlet to discover new music.
No sunshine today. As much as I hate the sun in my eyes, I wish it would come out. These clouds are killing my mood. Weather and enviroment totally dictate my mood. Sometimes good. Bad in the winter. I should get out and play anyway.
Later lovelies!

UPDATE ! For sliggy or anyone else who is curious.
oh . . right I have yet to explain why Im getting a free trip to Rome. My job requires me to communicate with photo editors and editor in chief's in about 17 different countries throughout the world. I sell our photo shoots from our American edition to their countries edition. All the same magazine. This is just one of my responsibilties. The conference is a chance to meet all of our international licensees that we do work with on a weekly basis. Also to discuss the direction of the magazine as a whole throughout the world.
There ya go!
The weather is crappy. "Blows my weekend." I have NO plans. Of course next week is filling itself out nicely. Can never spread these things out.
Oh. I finally joined the rest of the 20 something "cool kid" population and got a myspace account. my profile I dont know why. People were asking. I thought Id follow the crowd. Although I really dont need another social outlet through my computer screen. But if you wanna add me or whatever. There ya go, knock yourself out. Im more interested in using it as an outlet to discover new music.
No sunshine today. As much as I hate the sun in my eyes, I wish it would come out. These clouds are killing my mood. Weather and enviroment totally dictate my mood. Sometimes good. Bad in the winter. I should get out and play anyway.
Later lovelies!

let me know how rome was