Ahhh! What a fucking beautiful day! If its nice out wherever you may be you better get your lazy ass out your door at some point today and take in some sunshine.
I feel like eating a yummy meal outside with a glass of good wine. That sounds nice. Sushi. Im in a mood for Sushi.
So Ive decided to help myself out with these recent feelings of being lost. (No direction, desire for a new job, but don't even know what I want.)
I thought I would create a list. Because I live off of lists.
I have yet to do it but have thought about it the past few days. Thought I would share because I think everyone should do it.
Top 5 Jobs You Would Like (if money, time, education, location, and experience were not a factor.
Top 10 Things You Would Like To DO (not visit, thats a whole other list) Before You Die.
Feel free to answer one, or both, or none. I really don't care. Just thought it would be a useful tool for anyone who is searching for something new.
Have a good day!

I feel like eating a yummy meal outside with a glass of good wine. That sounds nice. Sushi. Im in a mood for Sushi.
So Ive decided to help myself out with these recent feelings of being lost. (No direction, desire for a new job, but don't even know what I want.)
I thought I would create a list. Because I live off of lists.
I have yet to do it but have thought about it the past few days. Thought I would share because I think everyone should do it.
Top 5 Jobs You Would Like (if money, time, education, location, and experience were not a factor.
Top 10 Things You Would Like To DO (not visit, thats a whole other list) Before You Die.
Feel free to answer one, or both, or none. I really don't care. Just thought it would be a useful tool for anyone who is searching for something new.
Have a good day!

ok here my list to your questions (not sure if you want us to answer this in your journal but I'm gonna anyway....you can kick my ass later...lol.
Top 5 Jobs:
1 Singer/Songwriter
2 Music Studio guy (recording studio)
3 Forensic Pathologist
4 Police Officer
5 Photographer
Top 10 THings I'd Like to do:
1 Sing with my idol Sheryl Crow (like that's ever gonna happen)
2 perform my own gig at some really big famous venue.
3 Buy a second home (a beach house)
4 Meet the girl of my dreams, who'll love me the way i love her, n have kids (I know that's sad but I desperately want my own family).
5 Make my family pround of me (will never happen tho)
6 Swim with dolphins
" Sorry ran out of ideas after 6...lol