Well, the weather completly sucked my will and motivation right out of me this past weekend. Not much happening. Chores and such.
On a news note:
Im not sad about the Pope. Not just because Im not a devoted catholic anymore; but because he lived a great life. He was a great man. Why be sad? He's going to "a better place" in the mind of the church so why the tears? My oldest and best friend that went to private catholic school with me called to tell me yesterday. She was actually kind of upset. I was suprised. I dont even claim to be of any religion anymore. I dont practice any particular faith so I don't think its right to claim to be of any particular faith just because that is the way you were raised. Maybe people will stop talking about that chic that gave herself brain damage as a result of a severe eating disorder that caused her heart problems. Im sick of that story. Anyone here that Johnny Cockren (sp?) died? So ive been told. Yeah, a lot less guilty people will be able to pay for their freedom. Aw drag.
Anyhoo, Cant wait for the sun. Havent got my bike yet but when I do the tearing up will comence. . . . . Hopefully.
I need food!
On a news note:
Im not sad about the Pope. Not just because Im not a devoted catholic anymore; but because he lived a great life. He was a great man. Why be sad? He's going to "a better place" in the mind of the church so why the tears? My oldest and best friend that went to private catholic school with me called to tell me yesterday. She was actually kind of upset. I was suprised. I dont even claim to be of any religion anymore. I dont practice any particular faith so I don't think its right to claim to be of any particular faith just because that is the way you were raised. Maybe people will stop talking about that chic that gave herself brain damage as a result of a severe eating disorder that caused her heart problems. Im sick of that story. Anyone here that Johnny Cockren (sp?) died? So ive been told. Yeah, a lot less guilty people will be able to pay for their freedom. Aw drag.
Anyhoo, Cant wait for the sun. Havent got my bike yet but when I do the tearing up will comence. . . . . Hopefully.
I need food!

fuck yeah Im single now....thank God

spring is here. vacuum the rugs, mop the floors, wash the car, buy some plants. hang some new pictures, sort through all the crap you piled at the top of the attic stairs over the winter. buy some new clothes. take lots of pictures. pet a dog. kiss a baby. you know, all that shit!