What the fuck man!
Im bored. Im sick of my job already that I just got in October. Im looking for something else. Im so fucking anxious.
Im in search of a perfect job or artform . . . . something. Im just bored with life. Is that bad?
I get antsy every six months to do something completely different for a change. I dont know if Im just easily distracted, bored, have ADD, cant focus on anything too long, including my everyday routine. Or maybe Im just searching for something I havent found yet. I feel like Im suppose to be doing something thats more . . . . . I dont know . . Me!
Not sure how to make it happen though. It probably involves money though.
I dont know what Im talking about. Sometimes I wish we came with a note that said this is why you were born. This is what your suppose to do with your life. Trust us, this is the right thing for you, you'll be happy.
Maybe this is just a phase that people in their 20's go through. People who havent conformed to what society or their parents want them to do anyway. People who havent said "well, I guess Im suppose to get married and have a kid now. Get that good paying job so I'll have a house someday. What else am I suppose to do?"
I dont want to give in like that. I have too much energy to lay down now.
I just wish I knew what to do with it. For those of you who have been with me since April you'll probably think this all sounds very familiar.
You see how real this craving is? Im suppose to be something more then someone who just works at a magazine in NYC. Sure I'll my friends and family back in Ohio think Im successful because of it. That and graduating college with honors.
Whoopie! Who gives a shit?
I dont feel like Ive done anything that fantastic. Ive never even been off this continent. This cant be all there is. I know Im young theres plenty of time. bla, bla, bla.
Im suppose to do something more rewarding now. Something that is actually getting me somewhere. Something to work towards. I need a goal. My life isnt suppose to be this mundane.
Not suppose to be listening to my annoying neighbor yell at his gilrfriend. GOD I cant wait to move!
Im done dwelling.
Im bored. Im sick of my job already that I just got in October. Im looking for something else. Im so fucking anxious.
Im in search of a perfect job or artform . . . . something. Im just bored with life. Is that bad?
I get antsy every six months to do something completely different for a change. I dont know if Im just easily distracted, bored, have ADD, cant focus on anything too long, including my everyday routine. Or maybe Im just searching for something I havent found yet. I feel like Im suppose to be doing something thats more . . . . . I dont know . . Me!
Not sure how to make it happen though. It probably involves money though.

I dont know what Im talking about. Sometimes I wish we came with a note that said this is why you were born. This is what your suppose to do with your life. Trust us, this is the right thing for you, you'll be happy.
Maybe this is just a phase that people in their 20's go through. People who havent conformed to what society or their parents want them to do anyway. People who havent said "well, I guess Im suppose to get married and have a kid now. Get that good paying job so I'll have a house someday. What else am I suppose to do?"
I dont want to give in like that. I have too much energy to lay down now.
I just wish I knew what to do with it. For those of you who have been with me since April you'll probably think this all sounds very familiar.
You see how real this craving is? Im suppose to be something more then someone who just works at a magazine in NYC. Sure I'll my friends and family back in Ohio think Im successful because of it. That and graduating college with honors.
Whoopie! Who gives a shit?
I dont feel like Ive done anything that fantastic. Ive never even been off this continent. This cant be all there is. I know Im young theres plenty of time. bla, bla, bla.
Im suppose to do something more rewarding now. Something that is actually getting me somewhere. Something to work towards. I need a goal. My life isnt suppose to be this mundane.
Not suppose to be listening to my annoying neighbor yell at his gilrfriend. GOD I cant wait to move!
Im done dwelling.
stop thinking so much your'e hurting my brain