Well. That was fun.
My week was exhausting. I should not have even gone to work Monday. It was such an obstacle. Then when I got to work my boss shows up and she says "oh, I didn't think you would be in today"
Now you excuse me! Too late Im already here! Already took me 2.5 hours to get here. What a waste. Going home was just as bad. Just exhausting.
The past two days at work went well and were productive. I feel like my boss is getting more comfortable with me. One of the mail guys actually said to me that Im "the best counterpart that he has seen with my boss. Most people can't work with her and crack under the pressure." That was cool I thought even though it was just the mail guy noticing. She still likes to find things to bitch about but I just nod and say "ok" and let it roll off. She finally admited yesterday that she is a hardass and gets off on being all bark. She isnt as tough as she makes herself out to be. She doesnt scare me. She scares everyone else in the company though. She does have balls. She'll take an authoritive tone with the executives and lawyers even. I wouldn't do that.
nuff' of that though.
I was hurting Monday from digging my car out. Im so out of shape. We ended up getting about 15 inches of snow I think in two days. Pretty. Stuck in the house all weekend though. Then trekking through the city all week was a mess.
I gotta get out and wash my car today. Im going to try to be productive today. Not much going on. No good shows.
I cant wait till spring. I think Im going to get a mountain bike and start tearing ass through the woods. I'll probably hurt myself because I have hurt myself on a bike before and thanks to skatboarding my knee aches when it is going to rain. So Im bound to injury myself on a mountain bike. I always liked going fast and jumping shit. I had training wheels on a BMX bike when I was little. It was purple. I remember when my dad asking me if I wanted a ten speed and I said "no I want a dirtbike like Tony's" He was my neighborhood friend in grade school. It sat in our shed for a year or two waiting for me to grow into it. I wouldnt let anyone touch it in the meantime, according to my parents.
Yeah. Theres a childhood story for ya.
Im out. Got shit to do.
My week was exhausting. I should not have even gone to work Monday. It was such an obstacle. Then when I got to work my boss shows up and she says "oh, I didn't think you would be in today"

Now you excuse me! Too late Im already here! Already took me 2.5 hours to get here. What a waste. Going home was just as bad. Just exhausting.
The past two days at work went well and were productive. I feel like my boss is getting more comfortable with me. One of the mail guys actually said to me that Im "the best counterpart that he has seen with my boss. Most people can't work with her and crack under the pressure." That was cool I thought even though it was just the mail guy noticing. She still likes to find things to bitch about but I just nod and say "ok" and let it roll off. She finally admited yesterday that she is a hardass and gets off on being all bark. She isnt as tough as she makes herself out to be. She doesnt scare me. She scares everyone else in the company though. She does have balls. She'll take an authoritive tone with the executives and lawyers even. I wouldn't do that.
nuff' of that though.
I was hurting Monday from digging my car out. Im so out of shape. We ended up getting about 15 inches of snow I think in two days. Pretty. Stuck in the house all weekend though. Then trekking through the city all week was a mess.
I gotta get out and wash my car today. Im going to try to be productive today. Not much going on. No good shows.
I cant wait till spring. I think Im going to get a mountain bike and start tearing ass through the woods. I'll probably hurt myself because I have hurt myself on a bike before and thanks to skatboarding my knee aches when it is going to rain. So Im bound to injury myself on a mountain bike. I always liked going fast and jumping shit. I had training wheels on a BMX bike when I was little. It was purple. I remember when my dad asking me if I wanted a ten speed and I said "no I want a dirtbike like Tony's" He was my neighborhood friend in grade school. It sat in our shed for a year or two waiting for me to grow into it. I wouldnt let anyone touch it in the meantime, according to my parents.
Yeah. Theres a childhood story for ya.
Im out. Got shit to do.

"Wax the Nip"
"Bowling for Boobies"
"I'll Take Titties, for $1000!"