The Dalek reception was cool as hell. Very crowded; full of tattered up cutties. Everyone drinking cans of the High Life.
If I had $1500 to spend on whatever I would have bought a piece. The ones I wanted were already sold by the time I got there though anyway. Some were done on the inside of a Fed Ex envelope. (So my sister says, I dont know how she knows it was Fed Ex) It was definitly a packing envelope though. Very cool pieces. There were three like that.
There was also a $2500 piece that would look great in my living room. Still for sale; but the whole money issue held me back. I would love to be able to walk into a gallery and say, "oh that one, yes I'll take that one".
Alas, I am too poor to be collecting art. I did get my man a limited edition (150) silkscreen by Dalek and his latest book for a Christmas gift. Then my sister told me about the exhibition and I thought cool, my gift keeps giving. I walked right by Dalek as I was entering the gallery and told Jim that he should get him to sign his book at some point. So before we left he finally got the balls to go up to him with the book. Its been a very Dalek Christmas for Jim.
I got my book from Amazon yesterday that I ordered. Fruits. Its great. Its a book of photographs displaying Japanese street fashion from the mid/late 90's. I really enjoy looking at it. Its mostly kids from 13-30 years old. Very colorful and fun designs. They like to mock their favorite Japanese cartoon or comic book character.
Today Ive been looking for an apartment on the web. I need to move closer to a train station. Trying to cut down on the commute time to the city. I wish apartment sites showed duplexs and houses for rent too. Thats what Id prefer. Actually Id prefer to just buy a house. I cant afford it in the neighborhood Id like though.
Oh well. Metro NYC is too damn expensive. I could have my dream home in the midwest. But then I would be near nothing and wouldnt have the job I have either. Oppurtunities or dream-home? Im young, fuck the house.
I have the biggest craving for sushi and sashimi.
I also feel like baking cookies. Im gonna try to get motivated to go out.
Anyone ever make sushi themselves? Is it cheaper? Time consuming? Difficult? Wait I have two japanese friends. I wonder if their families make it. hmmmmm.

If I had $1500 to spend on whatever I would have bought a piece. The ones I wanted were already sold by the time I got there though anyway. Some were done on the inside of a Fed Ex envelope. (So my sister says, I dont know how she knows it was Fed Ex) It was definitly a packing envelope though. Very cool pieces. There were three like that.
There was also a $2500 piece that would look great in my living room. Still for sale; but the whole money issue held me back. I would love to be able to walk into a gallery and say, "oh that one, yes I'll take that one".
Alas, I am too poor to be collecting art. I did get my man a limited edition (150) silkscreen by Dalek and his latest book for a Christmas gift. Then my sister told me about the exhibition and I thought cool, my gift keeps giving. I walked right by Dalek as I was entering the gallery and told Jim that he should get him to sign his book at some point. So before we left he finally got the balls to go up to him with the book. Its been a very Dalek Christmas for Jim.
I got my book from Amazon yesterday that I ordered. Fruits. Its great. Its a book of photographs displaying Japanese street fashion from the mid/late 90's. I really enjoy looking at it. Its mostly kids from 13-30 years old. Very colorful and fun designs. They like to mock their favorite Japanese cartoon or comic book character.
Today Ive been looking for an apartment on the web. I need to move closer to a train station. Trying to cut down on the commute time to the city. I wish apartment sites showed duplexs and houses for rent too. Thats what Id prefer. Actually Id prefer to just buy a house. I cant afford it in the neighborhood Id like though.
Oh well. Metro NYC is too damn expensive. I could have my dream home in the midwest. But then I would be near nothing and wouldnt have the job I have either. Oppurtunities or dream-home? Im young, fuck the house.
I have the biggest craving for sushi and sashimi.
I also feel like baking cookies. Im gonna try to get motivated to go out.
Anyone ever make sushi themselves? Is it cheaper? Time consuming? Difficult? Wait I have two japanese friends. I wonder if their families make it. hmmmmm.

Speaking of new pics........
p.s. Yeah, I'm a tease, but you wouldn't have me any other way, would you?
and this book is called 'Clin d'Oeil' and it's bomb ass pudding, if you know what i'm saying....
..i'm sick of my hair now...grass is always always greener...except when it's brown