It's my birthday. I bought myself a Temperpedic bed.

Now I am going to sleep.

Maybe I'll blog about it later.
Very nice. Happy birthday boss!
"Consider me no fool because my tongue is mad. I salt a truth with jest that it sound not dull and heavy. There is more than jig and cadence in my words. I am of stronger fiber than you think. If there comes a time for proof I shall not fail."

-Luca Sarto

Not the best book I read tonight, but certainly the best quote.
Thanks for your love on the Battle Royale Set wink
I stopped here because of your comment on Porphyrias page about people regretting the past and worrying about the future, while ignoring the present.
I'd be interested in maybe reading the articles you were talking about. It is something that has been on my mind lately, dealing with how I'm effected by this.
It really seems as though our sole measure of time passing is through the events that happen in our lives, and in this society of go to work, go home, run around, etc.....we have no time left for the positive events to take place anymore. Like you said in another post, a person is left feeling 'unavailable'.

I like this quote too.

I drove to a home today to check on a recently reunified child. I pulled up and the car wasn't there. I almost turned around but I saw the door was open.

And I'll break the tension right here, there was no dead or abused child--that was my initial concern, but I'd hate for anyone else to have to experience that jump of adrenaline....
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thanks for the photolove! biggrin
Thats okay, most people dont. I had had it in every journal post for some time and then forgot it recently. I appreciate you checking it out biggrin

The people on this site are better than any product it could possibly provide. smile
They are what keep me around biggrin
All day long my son has been saying what I assumed to be "Mom."

He wasn't sad, he just looked lost. I wasn't too upset about him calling for his mother. It was kind of sad, but, ::shrug:: that's life.

Just a few minutes ago he started calling again. It wasn't until he was straddling the couch, reaching for the remote on the bar that...
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I just bought 60 noise albums:

SUPERF**KERS 'No Way Out' tape (Smell the Stench, Australia)
CUM 'Cheap Sltt' tape (Smell the Stench, Australia)
NOISEMAN 433 tape (Smell the Stench, Australia)
BASTARBATION 'Harsh Myth Wound' c10 (HMW, Japan) #17 of 100. Japanese noise.
V/A : Three Ways to Stay Robot tape (DAC Productions, Ukraine) #20 of ??
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One thing I am really learning to hate is how unavailable I've made myself.

I isolated myself from my friends, and from society as a whole, for so long that now that I'm a relatively free spirit, I really don't have anyone available to me.

I mean, I'm still not very availble, what with the single parenting, full time job, and full time school-- time...
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I received a call today. A foster family has a kid who is stealing, lying, and breaking things, and they refuse to deal with him anymore. The have had him for a little over a week, by the sound of it.

The one thing this family FAILED to mention is that this child has Asberger's syndrom, a form of Autism.

It seems like the fact...
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Wow, I really think I just have a cold, what you had sounds quite nasty, and hopefully I never get it. ^^;

As for your own predicament that's a really sad story, especially at this time of year. Life is extremely cruel, I can only imagine the things you have to deal with.

Anyway, thank you for the comment, was a nice thing to do.
I recently ended a 2-week struggle with a throat and lung infection--I think I won. Now I have a persistant cough; it is uncomfortable. I went to sleep at 11pm and woke up hacking non-stop at 4am. I'm not enjoying this sensation.

Honestly, though, now that I am up I don't really feel like going back to sleep. I wish I knew people that were...
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