So here is my update. Everyone please excuess me for the lapse in time. So Monday was 6 weeks post op. And Tuesday would have been six weeks one day post op. Went in for a Drs appointment for several small reasons and came accross that I had a very bad staff infection and had internal pockets of puss. This is gross to say let...
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You know if I could see it up close I would be fascinated with it and be like "Cool."
You probably can't do anything about scarring right now cause the incision is so fresh. You just have to pray that the doc closed you up neatly which it looks like he did.
I hope it heals quickly and the pain is minimal.

You know if I could see it up close I would be fascinated with it and be like "Cool."
You probably can't do anything about scarring right now cause the incision is so fresh. You just have to pray that the doc closed you up neatly which it looks like he did.
I hope it heals quickly and the pain is minimal.

ow ow ow ow ow ow! goddamn that looks like it stings
hope you're not in too much pain!
hope you're not in too much pain!
Hey hey all
Well I am off to get cut open
Well first I am gonna shave me legs and such so they don't have too. No need for the handsome, well paid dr to think I don't shave. Although he can just check everything out while I am under. LOL Maybe I should shave everything like i would normally do
Okay okay I have...
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Well I am off to get cut open
Well first I am gonna shave me legs and such so they don't have too. No need for the handsome, well paid dr to think I don't shave. Although he can just check everything out while I am under. LOL Maybe I should shave everything like i would normally do
Okay okay I have...
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hey, you're gonna be fine. just think, this hot motherfuckin doctor is going to see your punani. i'm getting hot just thinking about it
You're gonna get drugs! (and maybe me, too)
Hey hey all
Well one week from today I go in for my surgery. No wait let me rephrase that my surgeries. I am hoping it will be an in and out thing but not looking so positive from the Dr. Point of view. His list of things to do to me while I am under is getting longer and longer along with a big...
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Well one week from today I go in for my surgery. No wait let me rephrase that my surgeries. I am hoping it will be an in and out thing but not looking so positive from the Dr. Point of view. His list of things to do to me while I am under is getting longer and longer along with a big...
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Steven and I hope the surgery goes well. 

i hope your surgeries go alright.
then we'll all throw a party for you.
i hope your surgeries go alright.
then we'll all throw a party for you.
your so cute
Koriana taking some wonderful pics
Wow I can not believe it has been so long since I have had the chance to post anything.
My knee is kinda being a pain the ass. Along with the knee surgeons. Just waiting for the lovely workers comp people to approve me knee surery so I can get back on my way of living a normal sex filled life. My poor girlfriend and...
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My knee is kinda being a pain the ass. Along with the knee surgeons. Just waiting for the lovely workers comp people to approve me knee surery so I can get back on my way of living a normal sex filled life. My poor girlfriend and...
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We're not leaving for a while, we're just starting to sell our stuff because it will take a long time. We'll probably be staying at my mom's once we sell the house.
We'd rather talk in person than in a PM.
Even if we did leave earlier than expected, we figured you could always meet us down there once you've recovered from your surgeries.
We'd rather talk in person than in a PM.
Even if we did leave earlier than expected, we figured you could always meet us down there once you've recovered from your surgeries.
my knees have been killin me too. they're begging me to lose weight
Hey all sorry for the long pause between blogs. Things have been all over. I had previously dislocated my kneecap (three months ago) and recently it has been giving me huge amounts of trouble. But now I am doing pretty good and getting underway. So sorry for those who were looking forward to the pictures of the stars and strips on my and Koriana but...
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Dude. I love your fuckin default picture. the additude. THE BOOBS! Hell yeah.
Yes, it takes one mighty fine photographer to capture a moment like that. ;P
So V, does that mean we're not going to HP today? If not that's cool cause Steven wants to come with us. So, you wanna see it tomorrow with both of us? It's sweet, he wants to take his wife and girlfriend to a movie. Maybe we can squeeze some dinner out of him Let's not go to Surin or Tokyo. Man, seems like Asian people have been screwing me this week. That's fucked up. I'm going to ask Leo if he put an ancient Korean curse on me or something. LMAO

So V, does that mean we're not going to HP today? If not that's cool cause Steven wants to come with us. So, you wanna see it tomorrow with both of us? It's sweet, he wants to take his wife and girlfriend to a movie. Maybe we can squeeze some dinner out of him Let's not go to Surin or Tokyo. Man, seems like Asian people have been screwing me this week. That's fucked up. I'm going to ask Leo if he put an ancient Korean curse on me or something. LMAO

Hey all
So I took a page out of Korianas blogs and found something so flippin' funny on youtube. It is kinda long but the first minute is enough to make you thought and think....
So I was hoping to post my first set soon. But it looks like I might have to wait just a little while. Probably less then a week. I am...
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So I took a page out of Korianas blogs and found something so flippin' funny on youtube. It is kinda long but the first minute is enough to make you thought and think....
So I was hoping to post my first set soon. But it looks like I might have to wait just a little while. Probably less then a week. I am...
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LMAO, that's kinda how I dance.
I hope you're feeling better soon!

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Cool, looks like Tiger Angel excepted your request for membership into PSW. Yea! 

Welcome to SGDixie. Koriana is an awesome member.
Dude I just realized that horizontal strips aren't very 

That's crazy that you got a staph infection. Are you allergic to penicillin?
I hope it heals soon. Soon you'll be able to run marathons. Not saying you want to but you could.