Well, a week went by with no contact from Miss G as I'll call her. But, she called me last night finally. She didn't try to get back together with me or anything, just said she missed me and wanted to talk and see what's been going on and such. I thought she might ask and was kinda relieved that she didn't because I don't know if I would've had the resolve to turn her down. I miss her too, but I feel like at least for now as hard as it is I need to stick to my resolution to not see her at all. I feel reluctant to even talk to her but didn't have the heart to say something like "I don't think that's a good idea" when she asked if she could call this weekend. Sigh...
im up for museums, botanical gardens, anything even remotely interesting! thanks for the offer! hope all is well
hey there's a kick-ass new royksopp song called dead to the world. check it out