Holy shit, Sunday the 10th at the Austin downtown Drafthouse, "Phantom of the Paradise" sing-a-long with Paul Williams! I want to go to this so bad. I love that movie. Everybody I've ever shown it to hated it, but I think it's great. I just listened to the soundtrack on my iPod a few days ago. And the Muppet Movie the night before! Why don't they ever have anything coollike this in Houston? Hope I can make it back to Austin next weekend. I wish I could just stay here until then, call in sick all next week. Though I guess my cat would need food or something, little bugger.
Oh, and my interview yesterday here in Austin went really well I think. I feel pretty confident that they'll make me an offer. I think the only way I'll be living in Houston after the middle of October is if I this other company I'm interviewing with next week offers me a lot more money.
I'm going to see Little Miss Sunshine again tonight with a friend at one of the Drafthouses. It's so good. Go see it.
And I bought this CD at Waterloo today, it's lovely.

It contains one of my anthems "Different" sung by Cass Elliot (Mama Cass).
"When I was smaller and people were taller I realized that I was different. I had a power that set me apart. I learned to take it, to use it to make it. It's not so bad to be different, to do your own thing and do it with heart. Different is hard. Different is lonely. Different is trouble for you only. Different is heartache. Different is pain, but I'd rather be different than be the same. At first I wondered what hex I was under. What did I do to be so different? Then I discovered some others like me. Wondered no longer, together we're stronger. It's not so bad to be different. Be true to yourself. That's what you must be. Different is hard. Different is lonely. Different is trouble for you only. Different is heartache. Different is pain, but I'd rather be different than be the same."
Oh, and my interview yesterday here in Austin went really well I think. I feel pretty confident that they'll make me an offer. I think the only way I'll be living in Houston after the middle of October is if I this other company I'm interviewing with next week offers me a lot more money.
I'm going to see Little Miss Sunshine again tonight with a friend at one of the Drafthouses. It's so good. Go see it.
And I bought this CD at Waterloo today, it's lovely.

It contains one of my anthems "Different" sung by Cass Elliot (Mama Cass).
"When I was smaller and people were taller I realized that I was different. I had a power that set me apart. I learned to take it, to use it to make it. It's not so bad to be different, to do your own thing and do it with heart. Different is hard. Different is lonely. Different is trouble for you only. Different is heartache. Different is pain, but I'd rather be different than be the same. At first I wondered what hex I was under. What did I do to be so different? Then I discovered some others like me. Wondered no longer, together we're stronger. It's not so bad to be different. Be true to yourself. That's what you must be. Different is hard. Different is lonely. Different is trouble for you only. Different is heartache. Different is pain, but I'd rather be different than be the same."
maybe i should tell her to look at the fact that she stays with a man that won't even marry her and treats her like shit, or the fact that both of her kids are in shitty marriages and sponge money off of her constantly. jeez, at least i can take care of myself and can be happy single rather than date an asshole. sorry, i am wound up. yes, let me know when you come back down and we will hang out and catch a movie or something

well, i guess i am a dork too, i know every word to every song from Grease AND Grease 2