Okay, so he (Peter Capaldi) was fully revealed during the Christmas special last night after seriously dragging out Matt Smith's last moments. I'm not entirely sold on him yet, even though it was just a small amount of screen time. Going to take the wait and see approach with him, so we'll see. Over all I wasn't entirely thrilled with the episode as a whole, can't really put my finger on why, but I didn't enjoy it as much. Hopefully it will work out well in the end, otherwise another regeneration likely will be needed. Just how will they explain that one? *Nerd moment* I know in the classic series council could and did grant extra regenerations to fellow Time Lords (Including that Master) and what they did for 11 passing energy through the crack for his regeneration. Anyway, moving along...
I have enjoyed Doctor Who since they brought it back with Eccelston in the role. I'm also a Classic Whovian watching the likes of Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, and Sylvester McCoy (My favorite classic Doctors). It's nice to see the current doctors draw on the classics for bits of their own character. I also tend to ramble when my brain gets going, anyone notice? :P