I have so many pictures I want to share with you all but I still can't upload photos and it's probably because my phone is a piece of shit and its all I have to get on the Internet. But what has happened iiiiisss... I did a photoshoot on a trampoline that Im submitting to uncovered magazine, made a couple teasing video clips as well with that photographer, I shoot a Sg multi set with @chalk shot by @thump3r aaaaand just yesterday I dyed my hair coral!!!!! Also in my very much personal life I had a second interview and it went very very well that I am now just waiting on the congratulation email from them.
So that's what's been going on minus all the fun photos you can always check out my IG cause I do post many photos on there, they're just not as fun as they are on here, cause you know, you guys get boobies and all lol!!!
Hopefully soon I'll be able to afford a new phone and get back to uploading photos on here and even a teaser of my teasing clips!
Til next time!