What am I afraid of? Hmmmm, I have to really think about this. I don't get scared easily, I mean of course if I don't see or hear a loud bang coming that will startle me but actually getting scared or being afraid of something now that doesn't happen often. I do have a phobia of looking off the edge of mountains, towers or anything high from the ground.
Im afraid of what will become of humanity in several years. From the way I've seen children being brought up and raised it doesn't make me too excited for the future, I know, sad thing to say but it's how I feel.
And I am afraid of going blind. Since my iris is colored my eye is very sensitive to light and is only getting more sensitive which makes my iris even lighter in color and could eventually make me blind. Do I see glasses in my future, yes, I sadly do, but it's awesome having 20/20 vision while I do!!
And then my greatest of all fears is never becoming a SuicideGirl. I love everything SuicideGirls stand for and I want to be a part of that, and although I am without the SG title, to earn that title would be truly a dream come true.
The thing about the heights is that when I'm secured I can do it but when I'm just standing on top of a mountain or building looking over the edge the fact that I have nothing securing me from falling off and hitting the ground scares the heeby jeebies out of me