Me and my roommate, hkphotoaustin, wanted to unwind tonight, so we went out downtown to have a few drinks.
We were 10 blocks away from downtown when Hunter says, "Oh shit...we're retarded." "Why?" "Do you know what day it is?" "Tuesday?" beat beat...."Oh fuck, it's Fat Tuesday."
We found rockstar parking...went to our favorite bar...drank a few...and then left the horror that was downtown on Fat Tuesday. No incidents.
We then went to Ginny's Little Longhorn, a honky tonk dive, and listened to some good country...played pool at the Poodle Dog, then went home. A good, safe outing.
It's amazing to me the amount of idiots with beads and cameras looking for tits. At one point in my life, that might have been exciting. But somewhere along the way, after having sex that has involved handcuffs, blindfolds, and hot wax...not to mention the muthafuckin' internet...seeing a drunk bimbo's tits seems, oh I don't know...LAME. Get laid, you dumbfucks! Or jerk off and get some taste. Morons. Absolute morons.
I'm just guessing people in New Orleans think that other cities that celebrate Fat Tuesday are "cute"..."Awww...look at the cities trying to copy us...that's so sweet."
Oh, and I must remember not to do today (Wednesday) what I've done this day of nearly every year of my life...say to someone out in public..."Hey, you've got a little something on your forehead...what? Your catholic? So what? Oh yeah...sorry."
We were 10 blocks away from downtown when Hunter says, "Oh shit...we're retarded." "Why?" "Do you know what day it is?" "Tuesday?" beat beat...."Oh fuck, it's Fat Tuesday."
We found rockstar parking...went to our favorite bar...drank a few...and then left the horror that was downtown on Fat Tuesday. No incidents.
We then went to Ginny's Little Longhorn, a honky tonk dive, and listened to some good country...played pool at the Poodle Dog, then went home. A good, safe outing.
It's amazing to me the amount of idiots with beads and cameras looking for tits. At one point in my life, that might have been exciting. But somewhere along the way, after having sex that has involved handcuffs, blindfolds, and hot wax...not to mention the muthafuckin' internet...seeing a drunk bimbo's tits seems, oh I don't know...LAME. Get laid, you dumbfucks! Or jerk off and get some taste. Morons. Absolute morons.
I'm just guessing people in New Orleans think that other cities that celebrate Fat Tuesday are "cute"..."Awww...look at the cities trying to copy us...that's so sweet."
Oh, and I must remember not to do today (Wednesday) what I've done this day of nearly every year of my life...say to someone out in public..."Hey, you've got a little something on your forehead...what? Your catholic? So what? Oh yeah...sorry."
I used to have to wear "The Smudge". I went to Catholic school. In fact, I was the only one in my neighborhood who did. It was bad enough as it was, but putting a target on my forehead just made it that much easier to fuck with me. I didn't go near Downtown. That just ain't for me. When I lived in Seattle, a bunch of people got murdered or severely beaten during Mardi Gras. They know how to party. Stupid fucks! As far as having things 5 blocks from my place, that's pretty much the case. I planned it that way. It's pretty damn ironic that I NEVER go to the Continental. Ever. Have a good weekend. Is there anything goin' on?
your girl is from Philly?, i like it b/c it's cheaper than NY and u can smoke everywhere but i don't know what makes it great. i guess i still haven't explored it much. i've been in NY for a lil while; i return next week. HEY you never told me were the Supersuckers are from! Help.