It's past time for a fresh blog entry. I only wish I were able to post something more positive. My brother called last week sometime to say that he had gone to a doctor complaining of pain, for which they told him they thought he had a hernia. He was a little nervous at the prospect of having surgery to correct that, even though it's a pretty straightforward, arthroscopic procedure. Well, Monday he went to the ER from work because he was in so much pain, where he underwent a CAT scan and was told he didn't have a hernia at all, but appeared to have lesions on his liver. An appointment with another specialist yesterday revealed that he probably has colon cancer (he's undergoing further tests today to confirm this). I've really had it with death and tragedy all around me lately. My aunt has beaten cancer once, but has now been told she won't make it to Christmas. Please send all the positive energy you can...I don't really know the severity of any of this yet, but my brother is only 37, and is the single parent of two beautiful children. I'm not sure how to deal with all this yet, so thanks for letting me vent in my blog.
On a happier note, it's like summer outside, finally...WAHOO!
On a happier note, it's like summer outside, finally...WAHOO!
And yes, I finally figured out how to change my picture - after trying to change it for 3 years. About damn time. I hated that other picture. I finally did it!!!