3 weeks off work again, and I aim to do absolutely nothing apart from chill out down the pub, watch some football and do a little bit of computer surfing.
Still trying to decide whether to go to the Download gig in Glasgow to see Metallica on the 2nd June. I'll have to go by myself, can't find anyone to go with.
Anyone out there or do you know anyone in SG land that would wanna hook up in Glasgow, I hate being by myself and drinking alone, I end up putting too much money in the fruit machines trying to keep myself occupied.
Joke Of the Day
This guy takes his girlfriend out to dinner (at a buffet of course). They then go back to her apartment, sit down on the couch, and start smooching. Suddenly he leaves a big fart. Not wanting to embarrass him, his girlfriend says, "Fido, get out from under this sofa". They go back to their smooching, and a while later he leaves another loud fart. Once again she says louder, "Fido get out from under this sofa." As they get back into the throws of passion, yet again he blasts another fart, and his girlfriend says, " Fido get out from under this sofa - before he shits all over you."
Still trying to decide whether to go to the Download gig in Glasgow to see Metallica on the 2nd June. I'll have to go by myself, can't find anyone to go with.

Anyone out there or do you know anyone in SG land that would wanna hook up in Glasgow, I hate being by myself and drinking alone, I end up putting too much money in the fruit machines trying to keep myself occupied.
Joke Of the Day
This guy takes his girlfriend out to dinner (at a buffet of course). They then go back to her apartment, sit down on the couch, and start smooching. Suddenly he leaves a big fart. Not wanting to embarrass him, his girlfriend says, "Fido, get out from under this sofa". They go back to their smooching, and a while later he leaves another loud fart. Once again she says louder, "Fido get out from under this sofa." As they get back into the throws of passion, yet again he blasts another fart, and his girlfriend says, " Fido get out from under this sofa - before he shits all over you."
i still haven't gotten a chance to check it out. when i move one of my roomates has a dvd player on her computer that can read european dvds. i don't have a dvd player on mine and i'm not sure if they sell european compatable dvd players here. I know she got hers in france so that's why it works.