woo hoo, I'm back to normal, flu has gone, I've got my appetite back for eating and DRINKING , so I'm definitely going out for a few scoops tonite
Think I'll have myself a delayed new years party and live it up a little before I go back to work next week and my enforced 2 weeks of sobriety

Think I'll have myself a delayed new years party and live it up a little before I go back to work next week and my enforced 2 weeks of sobriety

Yes, Penis does wear glasses from time to time. Like when driving or going to the movies. He can't see too far in front of him.
As far as words to impress the ladies, i think after i tell them it was a british word, they would slap me and throw drinks in my face
Where in UK do you live? My buddy says london was the best city he visited when he traveled through Europe. I hella want to visit there.
how can you speak so ill of london when you live in a little hillbilly village...better beer......in your dreams pal!