well its about time i updated this... not much ahs been going on here the seasons are changing fast and the warmer weather is just around the corner
i really cant think of much to talk about.hmmm well i cant quite seem to figure out what it is about concerts and drinking. it seems everytime i go to a concert i need the day after to recover from the reckless drinking..man i should just stick to the weed..well i guess i do in comparison. as a matter of fact i love this weed its so stinky and sticky i wish it was always around. i really hate having to buy that canadian crap..i'd much rather have some local stuff
i have been hiking quite a bit this late/winter spring and have done a couple of cool day hikes with me and the dog. i am sure my hiking craze will give way to riding my motorcycle every free chance i get this summer..i can not fucking wait!!
on another note a ex girl friend of mine has been really nice to me these past 2 weeks i am not sure what to make of her but she is probably just after some wang. i am not sure if i should give her some or not..i do not want to go back out with her and i do not want her to dislike me. but she is pretty hot and persistant so forth. but then she will probably bite my neck and then i will have a hicky. wtf the biting is ok to a extent but i do not need any hickys. i thought only fat girls that work in fast food resteraunts get hickys..nope!! maybe i can wear a neck brace to protect myself.
the more i read
akane journal the more i like her.she get motivated from pot..how the fuck could you not love her?
man i am feeling unmotivated from pot right now..
maybe i will take a weed nap..its perfect day for one.peace G's

on another note a ex girl friend of mine has been really nice to me these past 2 weeks i am not sure what to make of her but she is probably just after some wang. i am not sure if i should give her some or not..i do not want to go back out with her and i do not want her to dislike me. but she is pretty hot and persistant so forth. but then she will probably bite my neck and then i will have a hicky. wtf the biting is ok to a extent but i do not need any hickys. i thought only fat girls that work in fast food resteraunts get hickys..nope!! maybe i can wear a neck brace to protect myself.
the more i read
akane journal the more i like her.she get motivated from pot..how the fuck could you not love her?
man i am feeling unmotivated from pot right now..

it makes me forget all of my negative shit and so it makes me want to do shit and be productive.
it makes me forget all of my negative shit and so it makes me want to do shit and be productive.