AM I seriously 25 years into my life? We ask rhetorical questions like this to whom? Ourselves even if we are not concious of it during or after. I don't feel like my mind has placed into that age yet, I still feel 22 was just last week and actually last week was the first time in years I decided to watch pokemon again. Safe to say I'm infected again... I hear they call it the fever but I like when they call it pokeris.
So to shake things up from becoming a mundane birthday, I declined a party and gathering (nobody was organized anyways) I made a tiny idea happen with my bestfriend/lover. To go suddenly to a blueman group performance was one of the best decisions I've made in awhile. They turned it up, sideways, and broke it down hah! Sitting in one of the front rows expecting to get paint splashings on us was an expectation that wasnt met but it wasnt such a big deal afterall. Thrilled with the idea of going back again.
So everyone I know that matters to me, wished me well on time and a few had interesting personal way of showing that. I know I am loved and still a crowd favorite somehow and someway. I never walked away unappreciated for it all. One person tripped me up in a good way by saying I was halfway to the 50 club. Yeah thats somewhere over the hill but when I of a 50 club I seen it. I imagined silver all over, platters, silverwear, silver igots, challices, medallions, sliver lined clouds, awards. The perfect alignment seemed like it was all platinum instead and retirement was nowhere to be seen for anyone and anything. I am a shiny new quarter, like one back in the days whence it could buy many many things like a solid refreshing drink on a hot summer noon.